Whoa....Janet is on fire in the sewing department. She made Mr. Baby four bibs! She is so proud of herself.
There were a couple of boo boos. See the polka dot one; Janet forgot a Cardinal Rule about sewing...wash the fabric first! It was flannel and it turned out that it hardly shrunk at all.
This one was also a mistake. First, Janet started to stitch Mr. Baby's name in brown floss as she didn't have a correct match for the red or orange in the fabric. We are now at the corner of Sewing and Anal. The brown was pulled out and replaced with yellow. Half way through again, Janet realizes the yellow is too light, but by this point in time has 2 and 1/2 hours invested in a bib, so said f**k it! It will be good exercise for Mr. Baby to find the faint yellow thread!
Phil was crazy enough to agree with her about her bad colour choice! |
Despite a couple of setbacks, Suzy is pretty chuffed about her sewing. Then guess what!! Meg emails with a sewing request! Who ever would have thought! Meg wants to know if Janet can make a tag blanket. This had Janet over a barrel as she had no clue what that was. She mentioned it to
Mr. Needs To Watch His Back Phil who scoffed at her....it appears Janet is the lone person on the planet who doesn't know what this is. Never mind, some Google trips and a trip to the fabric store and look out! One Tag Blanket, coming up.
Janet found this super squeaky toy for me. I played with it for a couple of days until it met it's sad demise.
After the end of the squeaky toy, I returned to the good old nylabone.
Nopawdy, but nopawdy is getting this from me! |
Phil went to his office Kick Off Meeting, where he was honoured to be the person with the second highest sales for 2013. He was pretty happy! In addition, they had a draw for all realtors and Phil won an iPad mini. He traded it in for an iPad Air to give to Janet (or at least, that's what Janet says.) Check it out!
Phil is going on his "guys ski trip" to Whistler next weekend. Janet lives for this trip for a couple of reasons. She can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants (is she nuts...this looks like her entire life to us!) and when Phil gets home, he can't walk down the stairs for at least two days, which is a huge source of amusement for Janet. Rats! This year, he is on a stair climbing mission to eradicate the post skiing pain. Janet has gone a couple of times as well. See that teeny tiny dot at the top....that's Phil!
He went up six times, sometimes jogging. Janet went up four times. She says there a alot of stairs. Next time she will count. |