Except for when he is sleeping, Finley could otherwise be known as "Action Jackson". He pretty much moves all day.
On the first day they were here, Janet needed to go to the Hairdressers to purchase some hair care product. She, Finley, Derek, Noodles and I all trooped out the door. Noodles was walking really slowly and it was getting dark and windy, so Janet asked Derek if he would take Noodles home so we could pick up the pace.
On the way home, we went to the beach playground.
Finley had some snacks, but Yaya's hands were freezing, so she convinced him to eat them on the way home. |
They also went to the park at the end of our street. This is the park Meg says she is going to spearhead a movement to change from Fireman's Park to Firefighter's Park.
The whole family went, and yes, we mean everyone! Janet was worried that it might be necessary to bust out the Iron Lung, but all went well.
Janet was angry with Bronwyn because she made me go down the slide! I'm a puppy for f**k sake and don't want to go down stupid slides.
Look at my little toe nails....hanging on for dear life~ |
Finley loves his scotch tape. He "fixed" many things in the house. The kind of thing you might not think of repairing, like the cracks in the floor:
Noodles tail:
Noodles didn't even know she had a problem with her tail! |
"Watch this Yaya......I fix it with a big piece!"
When not "fixing" things, he tapped into his musical side.
Janet is surprised we went as long as we did without Finley figuring out the piano. |
And helped his Grandpa write up a contract:
"Grandpa...I know black ink is the proper colour for official documents, but how about we kick it up a notch with yellow and pink?" |
Then, they got Craftsy! Finley loves what they call "Circle Time" at his daycare. Felt shapes that are attached to a felt board. Yaya dusted the moths off Grandpa's wallet and dropped the bomb on some felt and plastic board at Michaels. She is also now an avid coupon clipper (keep this on the down low, please!) and cut out the 40% of coupon and took it with her.
They made different shapes and even some characters from Gruffalo!
The piece d' resistance was Banana's bacon! |
The adults had a rousing round of of what is probably the most ignorant game in the world - Cards Against Humanity. It is well worth the price of admission. For Janet, the funniest part is watching her children split a gut and/or try not to split a gut.
Starting on the left - Bronwyn, Meg, Banana, Heidi and Jer. No, it's not cold in our house - toques are a fashion statement. |
Here's Janet, trying really hard not to crack up. |
Janet hopes and prays Briana doesn't get it into her head to move to Vegas and become a croupier at a casino. It will not go well.
Concentrating, concentrating. |
This getup is also a fashion statement in our super cozy uninsulated home.
Before we knew it, everyone had to go home. We are used to the silence now, but at first it was really hard to get used to.
Fortunately for us, Finley leaves little treasures that we find after they have left and we are reminded of his visit.
Fixed Grandpa's pillow cover. |