We went on another road trip and this time, sadly, I had the whole back of the car to myself. We went to Hood River!
Janet loves life on the edge! As as a result, she makes a reservation for every single ferry she embarks on. They left on the 6:10AM ferry to Port Angeles and who would have thunk! If it hadn't been for the reservation, they would have been cooling their jets at the ferry terminal for four hours! There is precious little that Janet likes more than waiting at ferry terminals when $17 would have saved her sorry ass.
Here we are, not even close to the entrance and it's 5:45AM! The ferry is departing is 25 minutes and we aren't even at the ticket booth! |
Black Ball Ferry really knows how to pack them in! Sometimes, it's almost impossible to slip between two vehicles. |
Guess what was waiting for me in Hood River? Watty Man AKA Watson! He tried and tried his very hardest to engage me in playful activities, but I was firm. He needs to show some respect as I am now the most senior dog and have spent the better part of my life deferring to the other canines in our family. He really wanted to be pals, so I agreed to share the sectional with him.
I let him guide me on a small walk in White Salmon.
Basically all Watty Man does is wreak havoc 24/7. Whilst he is the proud owner of about $5M in toys, he still prefers the "freebies".
Janet is shocked at long his legs are! |
After a 20 + year hiatus, Phil decides it's time to take up windsurfing again. This won't be pretty.
Team Illingworth rigs up the board!
One rigger, one foreman! |
It was a fairly decent start.
Lookin' good! |
The end - not quite so glorious! He said he wanted to throw up, but had nothing on his stomach!
He went to bed at 7PM! |
We felt it was important to be team players, so helped out to the best of our ability. Assisted Phil with his "Seven Minute Workout Program".
Watty Man watched the peeps hot tub from up above.
Why can't I join in on the fun? |
We took a couple road trips. First to Trout Lake. This was pretty much a non starter. We drove to the Historic Trout Lake Inn, which was locked up tight. Further, there is no "lake".
Then, we drove to Maryhill Museum. We went on the Washington side of the river, which is a two lane road. The Oregon side of the river is an Interstate highway.
We thought Janet was going to have a heart attack as much of the two lane road is a shear drop off to the Columbia River. Granted, there was in Janet's opinion, a flimsy guard rail that MIGHT prevent a cyclist from perishing. We doggies are thinking that the guard rail must have passed some Washington State DOT inspection.
The Museum - it was hotter that hell outside and despite having window vents and a shady parking spot, Janet wasn't comfortable leaving us in the car. She left Phil in the museum to take us for a walk. Guess what?
Dickhead Phil, who packed us in the car, forgot to bring our leashes! Now, Janet is seriously pissed!
Sam Hill's original intent was to build this as a mansion for himself, but turned it into a museum prior to residing in it. Janet says it's the coolest collection of stuff on three floors that she has ever viewed in 15 minutes! |
OK, OK, I finally succumbed. I did the Turkey Head a solid and played with him. Even though I'm
10 1/2 years old, I can still kick butt!
All tuckered out!
Watty Man, your eyes are closed. Just lie down and go to sleep! |