You are probably thinking that Phil boiling water is not that big of a deal. You are so wrong! Janet can recall Phil doing so only once in an effort to make himself noodle soup. Because Phil loves to multi-task (which he is shit at!) he put the water in one of the 41 year old pots described a couple of posts ago, left the room and came back quite some time ago. Make that a really long time ago! Major mess! Water is gone and the pot is one the verge of meltdown.
In their cottage, they had a baby AGA. So cute!
Phil purchased himself some fancy pants oatmeal in a container for breakfast. Whilst Janet was showering, he took it upon himself to put the kettle on and prepare his breakfast. Below is his stupid breakfast!
Unfortunately, there are not enough photos to really capture the moment as it was full on panic mode!
First, Phil turned on the burner to make sure it was nice and hot. Then, he removed the electric kettle from it's heating element on the counter and placed it on the really nice hot burner. Guess what! It was a major disaster!
Heating element the kettle should have been left on! |
The plastic basin in the sink was coated with melted kettle.
This is a teeny, tiny fraction of the melted plastic. |
Here is the new kettle, bringing in the cost of breakfast at about $60. Move over Bev Ota and your expensive $16 glass of orange juice! At least Phil's mishap was not on the taxpayers dime!
A huge bonus to the cottage! There are four cottages in a row in a very small village.
Number 3 to the left and Janet and Phil in number 4 on the right. |
Right next door to Janet and Phil was an actor that Janet loves! He and his wife had been there for 5 months filming Father Brown, a TV show Janet has yet to see. He was outside when they arrived and was super nice and really helpful. Phil recognized him from one of his favourite shows as DC Ken Blackstone on "DCI Banks" and reminded Janet that he was Marty Fisher on "Shameless".
Janet loved everything about "Shameless". It was so politically incorrect that is was major fun. |
This is how doggies roll in the U.K.
They have meet and greets in pubs. |
On their first day in Kintbury, Janet and Phil took a ramble along the canal to Hungerford. It was about an hour in each direction. On the return, they went through "the common", which is an area where livestock can graze that doesn't necessarily belong to the farmer.
Janet did not want to go as she was afraid of the cows. A man who happened to be overhearing their conversation said "go for it - no problem."
It was just fine...the cows barely took notice of them and they were really cute. |
This is how Janet and Phil try to end their U.K. trip - lunch with the relly's, Julia and Joe. They look forward to seeing them every year. Julia is our Grandpa's cousin and they live in the west end of London. They are really kind, interesting people; both with an incredible sense of humour.
There is also a photo of Janet with Julia and Joe, but she says she looks like the Jolly Green Giant beside them, so she has opted not to post it! |