Some of us were at home recovering from major chest surgery, and thus unable to fly for six weeks. Others were able to board an aircraft and go to Maui!
Meg and Janet and Finley left Sher-Man and I with the patient. Is this advisable? What if his health goes sideways? I don't know how to do CPR or paw 911! Phil's chances are much better with me than they are with Most. Stunned. Puppy. Ever. Sherman. He lives to eat, poop, play, sleep. Repeat. I am doing all the heavy lifting and it's exhausting!
Apparently, whilst not their taste, the condo is lovely. Meaning, it has been renovated in the last decade.
Janet isn't so sure about the River Rock flow through the unit, but Finley loves it. |
Finley, chip off the old Engineers block, built a huge Lego bridge.
With these structural skills, even at such a tender young age, it seems quite plausible that Finley could get a job in China, building bridges. |
Janet was somewhat shocked that Bronwyn didn't show up and surprise them. After she checked the arrival time of the AS flights, calculated in disembarking, car pick up and driving time, Bronwnyn should have arrived around 6PM. Janet waited on the lanai, watching every vehicle that turned into Palms at Wailea. Never happened. Janet was so convinced this would happen as Good Friday is a holiday, so it really only meant Bronwyn taking two days off work. Guess what? Good Friday is not a holiday in the USA! What kind of western, Christian country doesn't celebrate Good Friday? After a phone consultation, Bronwyn advised they needed to beware of Easter Sunday - a much bigger deal. Bronwyn told Janet that in Portland, Target and Nordstroms were closed on Easter Sunday!
Point in case. Meg, Janet and Finley trooped 40 minutes to have latte at this stand. Guess what - Easter Sunday and closed. |
Finley has made some major inroads in the pool and sand department. He engaged in some heavy labour.
Check out the new flip flops! |
All this new found interest in the pool resulted in some pretty cool swimming togs!
Today, they went to Hallimaile Restaurant located Upcountry, to celebrate Meg's upcoming birthday.
Spicy Shrimp Lettuce Pockets:
Monchong for Meg:
Ahi Poke Bowl for Janet:
A real Hawaiian specialty for Finley - dry, cooked pasta!
The Birthday Girl had Lillikoi Brulee:
The keiki's (children) that live in UpCountry Maui have a pretty sophisticated appetite. Check out this childrens menu!
Seriously, Shrimp Cocktail?? |
There was a super cute chicken family across from the restaurant.
Check out these turtles! These guys were amazing and five came ashore while they were watching.
This was the last guy they saw come out of the ocean. The area where they are is loosely roped off, but apparently there is a $10,000 fine for approaching them. |
Everyone loves to dis Whole Foods, but turns out it's not any more money than other stores on the island. An added bonus - you can buy small portions of what you need.
Another round, my good man! Last call, Aloha style: milk, white wine and a Mauijito
Good night! |