Monday, May 29, 2017

Nova Scotia!

Janet and Phil go to Nova Scotia!  We don't know where that is, but we do know how long it takes to go from Toronto to Victoria in the cargo hold, so we are likely to pass on Nova Scotia.

Amber's very nice Dad, Wayne is taking care of us.  It goes without saying that I am the model of doggie perfection.  Sherman, however, is a major turd head.  He now thinks he needs to go potty at 5:15AM, sharp, every morning.  Wayne assured Janet he was an early riser, but nobody in their right mind wants to get up at 5:15AM!  Poor Wayne!

They stayed in a lovely B & B in Port Williams, called Planters Barracks.  It was built in 1778 and has all the things Janet loves - uneven floors, crooked stairs and uneven door jambs.  The minute Janet saw the exterior photo (which oddly enough is better than Janet's photo!) and found out how old it was, it was a done deal!

Front of Planters Barracks.

Kitchen Fireplace:
The crooked stairs.  Their room was at the top of the stairs on the left. 
Their room:
This is Janet's version of a made bed - not that of the Innkeeper!
Their neighbours

First lunch out was The Port.  Lobster Risotto and Seafood Chowder:

They checked with the Innkeeper, Erin, about dinner.  Erin suggested The Noodle Guy, but said it might be tough as on Thursday, it's Beer, Burger and Salad night that is usually pre-sold out.  Erin, however, called and they were told to get their butts over there.

Generally speaking, Janet would not order a hamburger in a restaurant.  However, Thursday night is the only night they do hamburgers and they could always come back later to enjoy the rest of the menu.  Janet says it was a fabulous burger.  They make everything in house, including the hamburger bun!
Next up was lunch at Lucketts Vineyard.  The weather was incredibly miserable and cold so the outdoor patio was closed.  They make a variety of wines, which include Phone Booth White and Phone Booth Red.
The Acadians have a very sad and interesting history in Nova Scotia.  Janet and Phil visited Grand Pre - a National Park about the Acadians.  This is the Covenantars Church, which is related to the history and is the oldest existing Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Good night, cow guys!

Monday, May 22, 2017

One Whole Month Without A Blog Post!

Turns out, Janet is seriously lame.  It has been one month to the day since we made a post and dollars to doughnuts, she will cut this short.

Janet often makes a Shrimp Pesto Pizza which they really like.  She decided to make an "all meat" pizza that was so salty it was not worth consuming.  Turns out pouring salt in your hand and consuming it would have contained less sodium that this pizza!
Guess what?  It was Lolo's 60th birthday, so Janet and Stevo conspired to throw her a surprise party.  This sort of activity is not easy to do as precious little escapes Lolo.  Stevie's job was to rally the guests and Janet's job was to do the party preps.  It went off with out a hitch as Lolo did not have a clue.  As per the usual, Janet is low on photos, but Lolo was super surprised.  She was shocked to see Sean and Jason open the door and then everyone else.  She cried.  She cried some more!  Her reaction was so worth executing the party, both on Janet and Stevie's behalf.
Full on of Bruce, side of Monie, arm of Karen and back of John.
 Janet goes all "Martha Stewart" with the silverware.

Pretty cake!
Lolo and Stevo with one of their two very handsome sons!
 This made Janet really angry!  She wanted some flowers for Lolo's party and asked Phil to purchase some.  Phil asked how much and Janet said somewhere around $30 or so.  He came home with a puny bouquet from a local flower shop.  The price, one day BEFORE  Mother's Day - $25!!  Janet was shocked as normally a bouquet this size would be about $15!  Last ever purchase at Harry's - heathens who are prepared to rip off small tykes spending their hard earned allowance to purchase Mom some flowers!

Check out this little chain gang of kiddies!

Turns out our neighbour, Ron, pup sits his daughters puppy, Sally.  Sherman and Sally had some big time fun kicking each others puppy dog butts!

 Oh, oh!  What do you think happened to one of Phil's socks?
This is a trip down a bad retail lane!
Really, Phil?  OK. It might be 10 years old, but still!
Sadly, the stuffed ducky is done.
He has been on the edge for several years, but it's all done now.
Turd Head, AKA Turkey Head, AKA Sherman is starting to wear me down.  OK, OK we can try to be pals!

Good night!