Here we are, perhaps not missing Janet and Phil as much as we claim. We are at Bronwyns feet while she eats popcorn. The only thing we can assume about this photo is that Bronwyn had popcorn in both hands, and her mouth, and took the photo with one of her feet. First, it's out of focus and half of Rockers face is cut off! Hello?
Today, as usual, Janet and Phil walked up to get their coffee, Baileys in hand. Phil has two jobs at home - make the morning latte and make our food. It's only fitting that he get the coffee in Hawaii as well. Here he is, coming out of Lava Java.
Phil rocks the local look, and this Bad Boy is for sale across the street from our condo. Could he purchase this and get a job hauling pineapple or sugar cane, in which case we could all go to Hawaii and live there? Please note, his yellow semi wife beater...he bought that in France at a gas station.(What? Who doesn't purchase clothing at a gas station...could there be a more appropriate place to purchase the semi wife beater?)
This really lucky guy gets to live here. |
Oh yes...back to the $2.29...Janet was going to purchase more green onions to put in the chicken salad, but at Safeway, they were $2.29. A. Bunch. Unbelievable. Now who's a cheapskate? In the end, she took her one remaining green onion and chopped it really fine.
This is the lunch Janet made today. Normally they go out for lunch and have dinner at their condo. Today, however, Phil wants to go to Sam Choy for dinner to have lamb chops. Janet made chicken salad with local tomatoes, avocado, lettuce and imported sprouts and cucumber. The chicken was left over from the second night they were here and bought a cooked chicken from Costco. Janet doesn't like to buy meat or poultry that isn't free range, grass fed, etc, but sometimes it just can't be helped. |
Did you limit that iced drink to 5 ice cubes, like I do?