When Meg and Derek decided to get married, they hosted a website with all things wedding info. One of the things they mentioned were no gifts. Janet and Lolo discussed this, looked at the website together and discussed it further. Lolo has a mind of her own, so she and Steve bought a gift. Lolo was afraid that Meg already had the gift, so confided to Janet what it was. Meg and Derek did receive a few gifts, but only opened a couple. Janet, using her inside knowledge, strong armed Meg to open the gift from Lolo and Steve.
It's the new Ree Drummond cookbook, called Food From My Frontier. Guess what Janet has been using for the last week or so? She is such a slob when cooking, our guess is she will be buying Meg and Derek a new version. |
The first thing she made was Steak with Blue Cheese Sauce and her favourite, furry potatoes. Not seeing any green stuff, Janet! |
As of today, I have been trapped in one of my two little pens for five weeks. Do you believe Noodles? She has the audacity to be dragged off the couch to go for a walk.
I'm tired....come back later. Oddly enough, Janet thought that was BS and dragged her sorry doggie butt out the door. |
Noodles lives to get in trouble. She found something smelly to roll around in, so had to endure Phil hosing her off with some doggie shampoo. We love to play in water, muddy ponds, the ocean and the like. The water in the hose - we hate that water! |
Janet was on kind of a cooking roll this week. In addition to some nice dinners, she made Bran Muffins. She spent about 45 minutes going through all her cook books to find a recipe she liked (and had all the ingredients for). After she made them, she told Phil she thought Lolo's recipe was much better. Phil - Mr. Loves. Lolo's. Bran. Muffins. He even dispenses hugs over those muffins! How many of Janet's has he had - ONE! Janet tries hard not to count them everyday, but she can't stop herself.
This dinner was Razor Clams with homemade tartar sauce and a Pasta Salad recipe that Janet actually made up out of her head. Shocking stuff because Little Miss Versatility Anal rarely goes outside the box. |
This was a new recipe that Janet tried last night - Vietnamese Shrimp Pops with Peanut Sauce. |
Look what Janet and Rockers saw when they went for Rocker's ten minute walk:
Janet says she remembers the Ice Cream Truck from when she was a little girl, but it didn't look like this. She said her favourite treat was Fudgesicles and they cost 10 cents each. Bet they are more now, but the ice cream truck still has the jingly little tunes to lure in the small kiddies! They wondered if that little girl had too much ice cream or didn't have enough money to buy some! |
Whoa!! Shameless is right! I'd better hustle my butt over to Victoria before Janet starts unwrapping the rest of the gifts!