We do not often get days that can be considered really hot - today is one of those days.
We started off the morning with me giving Janet the really, great big puppy dog eyes. She is a major sucker and before you know it, breakfast is on the floor. It's actually shocking how quickly she falls for this routine. We think it's a good thing her children didn't do the big puppy dog eye gig when they were little, or Janet would have been toast.
Seriously, who could deny me? Do you think I need braces? I see in my photo that a couple of my teeth are misaligned. |
I had to eat my breakfast in my jail as Noodles wasn't in the kitchen and Janet didn't want me slipping and sliding around the house until Noodles showed up. After breakfast, Janet let me out of the jail. Noodles, little pig that she is, had to finish up the tiny bit of food in my bowl. She knocked over the jail wall by accident, and boy, did she jump!
Oh well, now that it's knocked over, I may as well continue cleaning my brothers bowl. |
Phil has been working on inputting new listings onto his website and he is wilting by the minute.
Yesterday, he had on an outfit that was marginally better than this one. Janet told him he looks like a welfare recipient today. He doesn't seem too bothered about it. Maybe that's his retirement plan? |
Noodles and I did our best to pitch in and give him a hand so he could get out of the heat.
Noodles did him one better and went outside to actually "relax" on the hot deck. She is panting like crazy, but won't come into the house. |
I am smart enough to stay in the relatively cool dining room. Phil hooked me up with his phone and headset so I can take his calls. "WOOF! Thanks for calling, Rockers speaking!" |
Phil always does this to us, and Janet thinks it's mean. She immediately set Noodles ears free. I can only go on walks that are not longer than 20 minutes right now. Janet almost always takes Noodles for at least another 20 minutes, but Janet has to literally drag her until Noodles knows she is on her way home. |
Look what Janet made for their supper:
Crabcakes with a Chili Mayo sauce, potato salad and the first fresh, local corn. They love corn season! I had our usual Chicken Tartare with Seasonal Vegetable Melange. Noodles has a sore tummy, so she is eating Locally Sourced Ground Beef with Steamed Brown Rice and Organic Cottage Cheese. Sounds fancy! |
Last but not least, here is our Aunt T when she was here for Meg and Derek's wedding. She made our Chicken Tartare. Janet was happy as normally Phil does it, but he was too busy.
Aunt T even looks like she might be enjoying it! |
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