Our people have had two books for a really long time, and Janet recently busted them out.
They had planned to go for a walk last Sunday, but the day slipped away and then it was time for the
Block BBQ. This week, starting on Tuesday, Janet was all over the Hike Victoria book. As she read through them, many hikes included the word "undulate" which Janet didn't like the sound of (ever heard of a dictionary, sister?) By the time Sunday rolled around, they had downgraded to the Walk Victoria book.
They chose the Gorge Walkway, which is 1.5 hours round trip and is described as easy. HELLO! Janet said there was not one single mention of the TWO bridges they had to cross.
This was the low bridge. The other one was much, much higher, but you will have to take her word for that. She would have taken a photo from the higher bridge, but she was too scared. Pick your poison...cling to the bridge rail or cling to the rail with traffic racing by. Janet chose the traffic edge. |
Janet and Phil have lived in Victoria for almost 29 years. This walk started at Esquimalt Gorge Park. They got lost twice trying to find the starting point. Bear in mind, we are talking about a man who drives around Victoria all day long for a living and did we mention the almost 29 years? Twice, Phil pulled into the wrong parking lot while Janet is reading aloud the directions which stated "walk under the bridge you have driven over", but they had not driven over any bridge...this was lost on Phil. Seriously, these two should not be let out on their own!
Janet said it was very beautiful. |
They discovered in Esquimalt Gorge Park there was a bike race going on, which they stopped to observe. Turns out it was CycloCross, which Banana loves and is a champion at.
After all the excitement of the
hike walk, how about some pizza?
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