Holy Crow! It is so nice here, it's almost unbelievable. And, it's Thanksgiving! Today was also the Victoria Marathon, which made Janet start thinking perhaps she could train to do a half marathon next year. At first she thought it was a stupid idea, but not all that long ago she also thought riding her bike for 50KM was stupid. We doggies have some reservations about this alleged new athletic gig as we barely survived the biking gig. Maybe she will forget about it.....paws crossed!
Janet loved this ladys sign...she had several signage options and a cow bell! Janet remembers on "THE bike ride", all kinds of people were cheering on the sidelines and it made Janet so happy she started to cry lots of times. Are we the only guys out there that think Janet is a major cry baby? Man up, sister! |
Our good friends, Lori and Steve invited our people over for the holiday meal. We doggies were left at home but drooled over the dinner photos.
Janet's only contribution were the potatoes in the blue dish. Lolo put out an amazing spread of food, as always. |
We also went to Uplands Park, but only Noodles can go off leash. It is really dry in the park as we have just had the driest September on record. While we like the nice sunshine, we also want all the fishies to have water in the rivers, one of which on the island, is in danger of drying up.
Janet took us on a walk around the 'hood this morning, past a new stone fence she has been admiring for weeks.
We were thinking it was a dry pack stone fence, but it turned out there was a very small amount of cement in between the stones. We think it's really beautiful. |
Last, but not least, Janet's 15 minutes of fame:
Janet is on page 3 of the newspaper with her volunteer friends Katherine and Teresa! It looks like Janet is the only guy doing any work....whats up with that, Katherine and Teresa? Janet said it was tons of fun and they served almost 400 people in the first 45 minutes. |
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