Wednesday, December 19, 2012

We Are Getting Ready For Christmas!

Merry Christmas! We finally got a replacement tree that Janet thinks is barely better than the original, but so be it.  You know Janet, easy going, easy going.
Janet was busy cleaning the baseboards in our house - they get very dirty where we doggies shake ourselves off when we return from a rainy walk.  She really wishes we would shake off outside, but where would the fun be in that?  Janet uses QTips to clean out the corners of the wainscoting.  She started out with four and in the end only had three.....Noodles???

We had some of our Volunteer Friends over for a small partyette.  Erin and Mariem and Barb were unable to come, so it was a small gathering, but still lots of fun.
Welda on the left, 86 years old and comes to chop vegetables every Thursday for 4 hours; Doreen at the back on the right who we will miss as she has to go back to Salt Spring to sell her house; Katherine who has been volunteering here for a minimum of 10 years.
Lolo and Stevo came on Monday night with Janet's Christmas gift.  Janet was so excited!  It was the new Hali'imaile General Store cookbook.  Janet has wanted this book for at least two years.
Remember how we always say how sloppy Janet is?  She is looking at this book that she has owned for less than 12 hours and still manages to spill her lunch on it!  Bad Janet!
Janet said she was really busy at work today and they were shorthanded.  They keep milk and sugar in jugs and Janet by accident dumped a jug of milk into the 50lb. sugar bin!  She was so angry with herself.
Fortunately, Janet didn't have to dump the whole bin.  She said it was a really ugly, sticky mess.  The other volunteer on duty broke 4 cups, so this was a shift that would have cost them money.  Ouch!

1 comment:

  1. I think the tree looks really good! I have been meaning to buy that cookbook for you for 2 years! Almost picked it up when we where there in November, good thing I didn't!
