It has been a few days since Janet and Phil went to Hawaii. Phil has been sick and lying about the condo everyday, so Janet is cranky and has been forced to make her own fun. She complains to Phil that she is never sick and he says "yeah, but we aren't talking about sick in the head" and then Janet says......never mind, you can see where this is going! Some bad words were exchanged!
Most days she goes for a big walk of about two hours and sometimes adds on a smaller walk in the afternoon. Then, she decided to rent a bike! Here Janet is trying the bike on for size outside the rental shop. Phil apparently doesn't like to use the zoom lens, but rest assured, it's Janet!
She rode on Tuesday afternoon and on Wednesday morning from where we are to a different resort area called Mauna Lani. Round trip, including poking around in Mauna Lani was about 1 1/2 hours. This involved riding on the side of the highway, which Janet was completely comfortable with. Until it was time to get the bike! Turned out, it was fine...really, really wide shoulders.
To while away some more time, Janet did some laundry.
First load would be the underwear that Phil has been lounging around in all week. His shorts are spotless, due lack of going outdoors. This is Janet's second attempt at laundry. First try, she loaded the dirty clothes into the dryer, dumped in the soap and hit start...odd, there weren't any water temperature choices! |
Finally, on day 7, Phil emerges to the great outdoors! He slapped on his "good 'ole wife beater" and off they went. A sure sign that his physical health may have improved, but his taste in clothing is still rock bottom!
They stopped for lunch and after, chanced upon a community centre where there was a group of seniors singing. Janet said they were excellent. She watched them for about an hour and they asked if she had a request. Janet asked for Aloha Oe, which always makes her cry. She cried this time too.
Then, they went for a hike! Yes, a real hike! Well, kind of a real hike. 15 minutes in and 15 minutes out. These cuties were enroute.
The little guy is watching Janet very, very closely. She had better not try any quick moves. |
They hiked down to this beach. It looks like black sand from this height, but was actually all lava rock when you arrived. |
This is what some of the trail looked like. This is near the top. About 1/3 of the way down, it turns into mostly rock. |
This photo proves that Janet now has serious hiking cred! Just kidding.....she wouldn't have gone if it had been even a little bit scarey. |