After all the activity on our way home we are now back into our regular routine. Janet hasn't gone to yoga for nearly two months, but went back on Monday. She says she is really stiff! She went for a bike ride and back to volunteering today and Phil is back at work.
Our lives march on as usual.
The stress of hoping someone will leave the bedroom door open is killing Noodles. She went straight for the pillows and fluffed them up the way she likes them. |
I'm such an important doggie that I need two beds. Do you think these cheapskates will ever crack open the wallet and buy us memory foam beds? Pashy has one! We are older than Pash! |
Janet somehow managed to dent the front of her little camera, so the shutter wouldn't open up fully. She could adjust it by hand, but Phil said she should get a new one. Janet said she was OK with the old one, but Phil was adamant and told Janet that the four of us have such fascinating lives that not one single day should go undocumented! If she buys into that, she is truly certifiable. Our lives are riveting, but theirs are so boring it puts us to sleep. All. Day. Long.
Super cute! It matches one pair of p.j.'s that Janet has and her dog walking bag. |
Our favourite son came home from his work up North. They went for pizza! They love Pizza Prima Strada.
Janet might have a new camera, but her memory has not improved. She forgot to take a photo until they were nearly done eating. |
Here is a photo of Janet, slaving away on a Cross Stitch she has been working on for our new baby. She started as soon as we knew about the baby and is now just barely past the half way mark. Janet is right on schedule if Meg can wait until July to have her baby, instead of the projected due date in mid May.
Janet made Chinese fried noodles with pork and veggies for dinner last night. The pan it was in was so full, it was spilling over onto the stovetop. Clearly, Janet has a handle on cooking for
two six!
The cross-stiching looks great Mom! I'll cross my legs when the baby wants to come out & tell him/her to wait a few more weeks!