Thursday, April 11, 2013

We Can't Put Our Paw On It, But Something Is Going On

It's pretty obvious that something is goin' down.  First, Noodles, who swears up and down she can read, says she saw an email that Dean sent to Janet, saying "No Problem".  This doesn't make sense to me.   I find it hard to believe that Noodles knows how to read, and I don't.  And, Janet says people wear glasses so they can read.
Call me crazy!  Perhaps I'm wrong.  When did she learn to read and when did she get glasses?
Further clues...Janet is baking cookies.  Generally speaking she only bakes cookies for our "Saving The World One Dog At A Time" gig for the SPCA Christmas Bake Sale or if it's Christmas or they are having a party.
There are also many packages of Meals Not On Wheels in our freezer.
I'm kind of glad I can't read as it would be stressful to find stuff out ahead of time.  Noodles, however assures me that they are going somewhere.  Without.  Us.  It's somewhat comforting to know Dean is coming.  We love Dean.
Last night, Janet made Beef Enchiladas, Mexican Rice and Guacamole for supper.  They said it was super delicious.
On the weekend, Bronwyn called Janet for a facetime chat.  We were going nuts because we could hear her voice, but couldn't find her anywhere.  We ran from room to room and back and forth to the front door.  Janet had to hang up long before the conversation was over because we were barking so much.
Noodles is checking out Bronwyn and Pashy.  Pashy is so cute.  We wish she could come to Camp Canada for a visit.
Here is one of things that Little Miss Fascinating thrives on - the hostas, slowly unfolding their leaves as the come up in the spring.

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