Monday, May 13, 2013

We Had A Happy Mother's Day!

It was  Mother's Day yesterday!  I'm going to help Janet celebrate her big day, by pulling some weeds for her.  I'm not sure this is a Janet approved activity as for the precious few amount of weeds I pull, there is a lot of soil in our water bowl.
All that weed pulling was pretty exhausting, so I decided to rest for a bit.  I have my head on my Club Paw as it is quite elevated.  They think I don't know about my disability, but I can hear their whispers.

They also went for Chinese lunch today at Sun Wah.  It was Jer's last day in Victoria before going back up North and Brad and Kim came as well.
Brad and Kim were really kind and sweet and brought Janet a bouquet of flowers for Mother's Day.
Their delicious lunch.
Phil kept harassing Janet to wash his squash gear, but she was reluctant to go there.  When she finally went downstairs, she discovered Phil hid 19 roses on top of the dryer.  They were a little wilty looking, but Janet says they have revived in water.

On Thursday, Brad came and helped Janet with the veggie garden.  After Brad left, Janet planted the tomato plants Neighbours Jack and Gwen gave them. Many thanks to Our Cousin Brad.
Yesterday, Janet went for a 24K bike ride.  This is what she spotted.
A knit pole cover.  Cool!

Super cute buddy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm drooling over the Sun Waaaah photos!
    Remember the big tree sweaters we saw in Seattle?
