Falling into our "favourite neighbours" category are Neighbour Wendy and Mr. David Burr. Noodles loves Neighbour Wendy because she lets Noodles lick her legs. Noodles loves body lotion! Mr. David Burr had a really nice, super shiny white truck. By far, the most lovely truck on our block. Mr. Burr sold his business, and thus the truck went with it.
Next thing we know, Mr. Burr has a "new" truck that he lovingly refers to as Bessie. Neighbour Wendy calls it a "piece of shit".
In an effort not to play favourites with the neighbours, he moves his truck around and parks it in front of different homes on our street. This way, not just one family is targeted with a drop in property values. |
This is the sort of thing that causes Janet to have mini meltdowns.
Phil has finished his yoghurt and has thoughtfully placed the spoon on the counter above the dishwasher. You would think after all the surprise parties Phil threw for her 60th birthday that she would be willing to let it go. No siree! We probably shouldn't mention too much about the nonexistent parties or she might whip out a whole new batch of bad words! |
This is Oak Bay Tea Party Weekend and we went with Janet to watch the parade. Parades, no matter how lame they are, always make Janet cry. This year was no exception. Phil
purposely quite by accident made some appointments that coincided with the parade.
The mascot from Glenlyon Norfolk School. Janet says our children went to school there. |
Reynolds Secondary School Band |
An "old school" city bus. |
There were tons of cute puppies in the parade. Why, oh why can't we be in the parade, Janet? Is it because Noodles refuses to behave and almost everything scares me? |
It was a fun, but exhausting parade!
Perfect book ends! |
Last, and for sure not least, the Bump turned into a real person. Finley Illin....(whoops) Timmerman was born 29 May and weighed 9lbs 10oz. We think he's pretty cute. More on this later as we GodPups are going for a viewing. Meg hasn't officially OK'd us as GodPups, but we think she will go for it.
We doggies don't know a whole lot about babies, but we think he's rockin' a real hip hairdo! |
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