Sheesh! Suddenly, we are chopped liver. We live and breathe Mr. Baby 24/7. We all sit around all day, every day watching his every move. The sad part is, he doesn't have many moves yet. Nevertheless, we still monitor it all. It's all things Mr. Baby.
Mr. Baby's mother is wearing her mothers' fleece jacket. After she wears two of Janets' fleece jackets, she takes them upstairs and puts them in her bedroom so Janet can't find them.
Finley doesn't know what's in store for him. |
He just loves his bath time! You can tell how excited he is by how tightly he has his teeny fists clenched. |
Janet is teaching him how to fist bump and high five. Her Craziness seem to think these are pretty useful skills for a baby, but so far, Finley hasn't caught on. He also has a teeny tiny little pony tail at the back of his neck, but Meg nixed Janet putting an elastic on it.
What he would really like are some of those 50% off brake pads he can see being advertised on TV. |
Phil, myself and Mr. Baby are rockin' the real estate gig.
The combination of babies and dogs are taxing Janet's limited photographic skills. |
Meg and Finley enjoy the nice sun on the deck.
Our Nephew Brad and Girlfriend Kim gave this super cute outfit to Mr. Baby. |
This baby watching business is exhausting. |
Almost always, Noodles likes to be in the same room as Mr. Baby. Here she is taking a break using the step down into Phils
incredibly messy craphole office as a rest.
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