They have now left their teeny tiny little B&B bedroom and moved onto Berkshire.
Imagine their bedroom at Camp Canada; make it more narrow; take out the closet and insert an ensuite. Janet said they could barely turn around! |
On the way to Berkshire, they stopped at Stourhead on Severn. They were lucky enough to catch some narrow boats going through the canal.
They were pretty fascinated by how the lock system works and spoke to several people on boats. This boat is in between two locks and waiting for the water level to equate.
Still waiting...

Phil gives a hand closing one side of the lock.
He was so enthusiastic lost his shoe! Janet says she would like to do this, but is worried because she envisions Phil as "Captain Ron", except on a narrow boat. |
After this excitement, they started to head to Kintbury, Berkshire. Mr Easy Going was all of a sudden very quiet and looking abit concerned. Look! The gas..whoops, petrol warning button is on! Never once said a word to Janet! Now, price is of zero concern and what will work best is the closest possible petrol station! They did make it to a petrol station, but Janet was pretty sure she had never seen Phil so worried about an empty tank!
After a very late lunch, they arrived at the last destination of their trip. The Dundas Arms - pub with rooms. Janet was super excited. The room was beautiful and they have a boat canal on one side and a river on the other side; all in a super cute village and the pub is a "Pick of the Pubs" from the pub guide book. After the last place, Janet was so excited she loaded us up on photos!
The washroom is likely larger than the last B&B room. |
Cute little wooden basket with soaps and lotions. |
They were so delighted with their new surroundings, they made the mistake of going for a "ramble" this morning. They got lost twice and mostly spent the morning bush whacking giant ferns. When will these two learn? They "ramble" without water, pay precious little attention to the instructions and are as shocked as hell when it doesn't work out.
Part of the "ramble" was across a common area, where livestock are allowed to roam freely and it's up to the cars to be on the outlook for them. On the "ramble" cars were not permitted, but there were quite a few ponies.
These ponies were in the common area on todays walk. |
This cow, among others was in a common area on the way to lunch yesterday. Look out, Mr. Car! |
Janet says this is why we need to move to Kamp U.K.
Cute guys that look like me, Pashy, get to go to pubs. This cutie is 3 1/2 years old. Don't you think she looks like me? |
Special containers for doggie poops. |
This really nice guy and his owner helped us out the first time they got lost. The second time they got lost, they were on their own. |
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