Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's Party Time!

To quote Janet's new favourite TV character, Frank Gallagher from the British version of "Shameless", it's time to paaaarty!

Noodles and Rockers turned 12 this week!  Fun!

They made special hats that we all got to wear.  We are lining up for the big excitement.

Here we go!
Turned out, it was a problem to keep all three of us organized for the photo op.

I tired of my hat quickly.  Do you think they look like Dunce Caps?  Noodles and Rockers didn't seem to mind too much, so maybe I am wrong.

Bad news, for everyone except Janet.  She has been after Phil for months to put an IP block on her iPad so she can access U.S. and British TV.  Who, in a million years, thought she was clever enough to do it on her own?  Certainly not "Mr. It's Way Too Difficult To Do".  There were four seasons of Shameless on Canadian Netflix and now there are nine on U.S. Netflix!  She is super excited as she loves watching is addicted to this show.    Not to mention, a whole host of shows she wants to watch.   Then, Phil showed her how to take the shows from her iPad and put them on Apple TV so she can watch them on the kitchen TV.    Game on!  At this point in time, Christmas is looking increasingly like Swansons Hungry-Man Dinners.  Ouch!

Frank Gallagher.....Janet loves him!

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