Monday, December 22, 2014

OMG, Janet's Life Is Slipping Through Her Fingers!

Another week....done!  Janet is afraid her life is slipping through her fingers as time moves on so quickly.  Is it the season?  Or, is she getting old and this is how it goes for "oldtimers"!

Janet made Hamburg from her Japanese Soul Cookbook.  Basically, its a hamburger patty with some sauce.  Yummy!
Look what Janet found upstairs!  Is it too girly man for Mr. Baby?  Janet's mom  - AKA Mr. Baby's Great Grandmother made it for Meg.  Janet's Mom passed away many years ago.
Janet thinks it's really cute and is in mint condition.
Janet also made pizza!
Shrimp with olives and pesto.
Our crazy people needed a reality check so decided to go to Costco today.  Ouch!  Janet said it was ugly when they arrived at 10:10AM and an absolute nightmare when they left at 11:30AM.
The parking lot was chock a block and all these cars on the right are not in proper parking spots.  It took forever and a day to drive home.
Check out these super cute guys toolin' around in the back of their tricked out Christmas Puppy Dog truck.  Why, oh why, can't we do super cute stuff like this?  Maybe because Noodles can't get into the back of the truck we don't own?  Hold on!  Janet say Mikey owns the same truck that towed the space shuttle Endeavour through Los Angeles to the Museum.  Surely, we could get a small Christmas gig going!!
The doggie on the left hand side really reminded Janet of Rockers - he was big like Rockers was.  Noodles really misses her brother!
Janet put some mats down as Noodles is having a really hard time standing up on the hardwood floor!  I think everybody knows how much Janet "lives" for the look of scatter mats, so this should let you know how much she loves Noodles.  By the way, thanks, Janet - I, Pashyminders, am enjoying them alot!
Check it out!
Has anyone registered Janet for a Photography class as a Christmas gift??  She is getting worse!
And, check this out!
Janet's most recent quilt - and she thinks her favourite thus far.  Thanks, Janet - it's keeping a puppy girl cosy!

Monday, December 15, 2014

And Another Week Flies By!

Wow!  Time has flown by again!  We did a lot if stuff this week.

We started off with Phil's birthday.  Janet arranged for a "surprise" party for him at Sun Wah.  He claimed he was caught off guard, but Janet seriously doubts it.

 Then, we put up the Christmas Tree.
The bottom third of the tree was free of ornaments, pending Mr. Baby's arrival.  Just kidding!
The tree stood in the stand for two days with lights on, but no decorations.

I was some what nervous about this newly erected structure in our living room, so I hid behind the sofa.
A few minutes later, Janet insists I sit in front of the tree for a photo op and five minutes later:
Many, many bad words were shouted.
Next up - Noodles turned 13 on Saturday!  Yay!  Who doesn't like a party?
This photo is not blurry - it's your eyes!

Janet says it's really hard to take photos of us with our party attire on.
And, the people had a party!  The neighbours all came over.

Janet asked Phil to be in charge of photos at the party.  These are the only two photo and Janet took them!
Noodles was a bad girl and got into the party garbage.
She is also seriously going crazy.  We went for our walk and all of a sudden she is charging down the street.  Noodles hasn't charged since 2010!  Her destination was the polar bear on Gordon's lawn - she was going to show him a thing or two!

Monday, December 8, 2014

A Whole Week Flies By!

Wow!  A whole week has just flown by.  Here's an update!

Two Sundays ago, it was the annual Oak Bay Light Up when they turn on all the Christmas lights on all the stores on the Avenue.  It was pretty.
Then, Phil came home from his tropical vacation in Lethbridge.  Whilst he was enjoying the sun snow and mai tais hot chocolate, we were slaving away doing all manner of household chores.
Yay!  He's home and we are super happy to see him.

Noodles is practicing her doggie statue routine while he makes our food.
Noodles really does enjoy assisting Janet with cooking.
Can you believe it - a doggie towel tussle!  With Noodles!  This is a really big week for Noodles as she turns 13 years old on Saturday.  Janet looked it up and that is the equivalent of 82 human years!
Karen and Janet were recently chatting about how you don't see many German Shepherds any more.  Next day we go to the sidewalk beside the beach and we saw a Bloodhound and a puppy to boot.  Even more rare than German Shepherds.

Janet sent two quilts, two bibs and a tag blanket to Briana so she could take them to her friend she is visiting in Vancouver who has a new baby.
Janet thinks this is one of her favourites.

She sent two as she had forgotten how small this one was.
Then, off we went to post the parcel.
Look, it's doggie in drugstore!
Janet's all time favourite Christmas gig is the Big Truck Parade.  The first year she went, she was pretty much thinking it would be totally lame ass, but loved it.  She missed three parades because she went to Camp U.S.A. to babysit me and then last year, she completely forgot.  We went this year and Janet cried, like she always does at parades.

She said is was really hard to take photos that were in focus.
Phil put up our Christmas tree.  Watch it explode after he cuts off the twine.

As usual, we were left at home so they could go have lunch out.  They went to Pizzeria Prima Strada.  Janet says they have a yummy new menu.
Clearly, it's also difficult to get a photo of polenta is focus as well!  At least the trucks were moving!  Janet loved this and wants to try to make it at home.  Fluffy polenta with melted cheese, eggplant and tomatoes.

Just for fun, Janet tried her hand at free motion quilting.  She is pretty sure there are many more hours of practice before actually doing a real quilt.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

It Snowed!

Ouch!  We are supposed to be living in the "tropical" part of Canada, but it is not the case of late!  It snowed last night.  Janet put on her Bogs and took us down to Fireman's Park.
Noodles decided to make a snow dongel (that's a doggie version of a snow angel!).
We were joined by our new buddy Riley, who lives at the end of our street.  Riley is only 7 months old, so this is her first experience with snow.  She made Janet laugh and laugh as she kept snow surfing, head first.

OK, enough already, Riley!  This blog is about us and you and your cute puppy antics are stealing our thunder!
Phil went to Lethbridge on Thursday, so Janet is on an at home vacation.  She is living the good life!  Imagine, if you can - everything is in it's place, the house remains tidy and no one is making dinner "suggestions"!

She still has some room for improvement, but check out the mitered corner on the quilt she is finishing up.
While you're at it, check out her lame photography skills.
Janet worries a lot about Noodles.  She forgets how tough Noodles is.
She thinks Noodles is too skinny and that her face has an unhealthy look.  It has now become apparent that Noodles drags her back legs as both paws have really short toenails.   Toenails?  Pawnails?
I'm super cagey.  My signature move is to approach people with a toy and then back my bum into them and taunt them with my toy.  Turns out the people aren't that interested in the toy, but they humour me anyway.
Phil says - give it up Pashy.  I declined.
After all the frolicking in our Winter Wonderland, we are exhausted!

Good night Teddy Bear and Prairie Pal.

Monday, November 24, 2014

One Year!

Can you believe it?  It's been a whole year since I came to Camp Canada!  I felt it prudent to have a small chat with Noodles and let her know that she isn't going to boss me around anymore and that we will need to share the toys.
Well, that is share them when I don't want them and I will take the bed, thank you very much.
 Noodles was going for lots of walks until the rainy weather arrived and she slowed down again.  On Saturday, it was sunny so we trooped over to Willows Beach.  Noodles seems to be getting slower although Janet swears up and down that it's not physically possible.
C-R-E-A-K!  Noodles scaling up what may as well have been Mt. Everest.
On Sunday, Janet and Phil drove out to Long Arm Quilt Lady, Arlene.  On the return, they did something they don't normally do at home - they stopped to see inside a church.  Not just any church, but St. Stephen's Anglican Church.  It was built in 1862 and is the oldest church in BC in continual use.  Janet had never been here before.

They stopped at Brentwood Bay Inn for lunch.  Not up to British standards, but good never the less.

I almost always whip my puppy dog buttcrack to the front door when they come home, but Noodles not so much.
Her ear is all askew and she's wearing her tired face.
Guess what Janet discovered?  Left overs!  She will eat them for breakfast or lunch, but has always refused to eat them for dinner.  Last night, she didn't have a dinner plan and wanted to do something else, so they made some rice and had Pork and Pine Nut stir fry from a couple of nights ago.
This is ground breaking stuff at our house!
Janet started to assemble her British farm fabric.