Ouch! We are supposed to be living in the "tropical" part of Canada, but it is not the case of late! It snowed last night. Janet put on her Bogs and took us down to Fireman's Park.
Noodles decided to make a snow dongel (that's a doggie version of a snow angel!).
We were joined by our new buddy Riley, who lives at the end of our street. Riley is only 7 months old, so this is her first experience with snow. She made Janet laugh and laugh as she kept snow surfing, head first.
OK, enough already, Riley! This blog is about us and you and your cute puppy antics are stealing our thunder! |
Phil went to Lethbridge on Thursday, so Janet is on an at home vacation. She is living the good life! Imagine, if you can - everything is in it's place, the house remains tidy and no one is making dinner "suggestions"!
She still has some room for improvement, but check out the mitered corner on the quilt she is finishing up.
While you're at it, check out her lame photography skills. |
Janet worries a lot about Noodles. She forgets how tough Noodles is.
She thinks Noodles is too skinny and that her face has an unhealthy look. It has now become apparent that Noodles drags her back legs as both paws have really short toenails. Toenails? Pawnails? |
I'm super cagey. My signature move is to approach people with a toy and then back my bum into them and taunt them with my toy. Turns out the people aren't that interested in the toy, but they humour me anyway.
Phil says - give it up Pashy. I declined. |
After all the frolicking in our Winter Wonderland, we are exhausted!
Good night Teddy Bear and Prairie Pal. |
You still have fluffy green grass poking up through the snow!