Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Baseball...Greatest Sport Ever!

Guess what!  At the end of the very short street Camp Canada is on, there is a pretty large park that includes a ball diamond.  This is all news to me, Pashy, as I haven't seen a baseball diamond at home.  Bonus..all the cute little kiddies that come to play baseball in the park are, by and large, pretty lame.  Granted, they are small tikes!  Often, they hit a ball into the backyard of the home beside the park.   Later, the owners throw the balls back into the park.  This is such a rich goldmine for a major doggie ball lover.

So far, I have found six balls.  Score!  One night, there were three balls, but I could only carry one home. 
There are a multitude of balls...tennis balls, large green softballs and small white hardballs.  This is so much fun.  Oddly enough,  Noodles doesn't care.

Somethimes, I chew them apart, which is apparently a no go zone as either Really Mrs. Anal or Not So Mr. Anal take them away from me.
This ball was especially delicious!

This is the temporary graveyard for the balls I start to decimate.
Guess what the People had for dinner!  So delicious, they said...they were fresh local Spot Prawns that our lovely neighbour Mr. David Burr gave us.  Janet made a stir fry with asparagus and said they were super good.

Good  night!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mr. Baby's Visit

Janet hasn't been feeling well, but we still did some fun stuff on Mr. Baby's visit.  In addition to going for pizza, they went for Chinese food.
Did someone say Seafood Hot Pot?
And they went for Sushi, where Finley enjoyed "deconstructed sushi".
Rice was on the floor.
And, we had a party!
Karen couldn't come as she was still in Hamilton with their new grandson.  Ken was really happy to come as he said he had Cheezies for dinner the night before!

Mr. Baby motors around like crazy now.  He troops on over to see me.  I whip my puppydog butt upstairs to see him whenever I can.  Janet and Phil won't let Noodles go upstairs anymore as she is having a lot of trouble with stairs and they are steep.
He troops on over to the "water feature" toy.
This water is pretty fabulous looking, but try some water on a facecloth to wipe off sticky hands...not so much.
He has a bath every night, which he loves!

He likes to hang out in the kitchen, touching the stainless steel appliances with his grubby little mitts teeny tiny little hands.  Yoyo just laughs and laughs and laughs some more at how cute he is at the stove and dishwasher and thinks of all the memories his little hand prints are making!  Yoyo lives for this kind of thing!

Nice one buddy...don't even waste your time going for the glass which is way less obvious with the hand prints!
In the who's crazy now department, Mr. Baby's Handler dresses him.
Mom....wouldn't I be more comfortable with one leg on each side!
And, Janet takes a photo......of the ceiling.  Nice one!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Janet Cleans Up!

Janet wants to sew in the middle room upstairs, so has been busy cleaning it out.  She sorted cookbooks; saving some and Jeremy is taking the rest to Russell  Books.  Too bad Kim wasn't around...she could have ball parked the prices for us!  She recycled almost all of her Gourmet and Bon Appetit magazines, some of which date back to 1997! We saved all of the Bon Appetit Barbeque issues as Janet says those are her favourites.

Janet is almost finished the quilt she did pretty much on her own.  She took it to her class on Thursday and Lezlie, the instructor assisted squared it up.  Then she (this time meaning Janet, not Lezlie) attached the binding, which she is finishing off by hand and started the next project!
It hasn't been washed yet and is a cornucopia of colours, due many, many you know what ups!  Janet says she is still pretty proud!

This is the next quilt, baby size again.  Janet ordered the fabric from Fat Quarter Shop online and had it sent to Mike and Bronwyns.  It's called "Giraffe Crossing" and Janet thinks it's super cute.
Mr. Baby Comes To Town!  He arrived on Friday and already, I, Pashy am becoming good buds with him.  I'm pretty sure he adores me!  Let's face it, what's not to love!

Mr. Baby goes for Pizza!  Well, his handlers did whilst he looked on with envy.
Is that Diavolo or Panne e Pancetta I see over there.....out of my grasp!  Mr. Baby's handlers tossed him a couple of crumbs of crust which seemed to do the trick.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Here are some things you might not know about my brother, Rockers.

He was really big, and really gentle and really sweet.  OK...you probably did know that.  He was also afraid of his own shadow and wouldn't walk past something that was not normally on his walk - for instance, a road cone.

He wants to come in from outside but needs for the person holding the door open to get completely out of his path.
Wouldn't it be great if we were brave enough to walk past Zambo?  On the other hand, we can just stand here and wait.  We know she will go to the kitchen at 8PM as that's when she gets her treat of canned cat food.  It's about 10AM now, so that should be doable.  Apparently, Meg's kitty didn't get the memo advising cats need to fear dogs.

Rockers was really well behaved and almost never did anything wrong (wuss!  I live to get into trouble!).  Well, almost never!  And, he lets them get photographic evidence!
They were Shortbread Cookies for the SPCA Christmas Bake Sale.  He felt it prudent to sample them.
Was that wrong?

He could run like the wind.

And jump up high!

He could single pawedly get breakfast for all of us with one bark!
Just try and deny him, Janet!

He couldn't frolic on his back like I can.

The sectional was pretty much his domain once it arrived in our house.
This is his Really. Important. Doggie. Sit.  Otherwise known as "oh, you're home!"

He would wiggle the door knob with his nose to let you know he wanted to go outside.  And, if the
door was just slightly ajar, he could open it up with his nose.
We liked to sleep together.
For years, every time Janet had a bath, he would leave wherever he was and come and lay outside the bathroom door, always on the left hand side.

He loved babies and small children.

This is the life....complete adulation!

He loved Headless Janet!

 And he loved Phil.

Watching this F1 racing is "da bomb", buddy!

Janet says they are going to frame a nice photo of Rockers with his paw print.

Monday, April 7, 2014

We Are Getting Better

It has been almost three weeks since Rockers went to Puppy Dog Heaven and we are starting to feel better.  Bronwyn and Mike were here two weekends ago and they left Pashy here, which is great for me.  Especially, because I discovered she has this teddy bear that I love!  Janet left it in the basement after we returned from PDX and when Bronwyn was here she told Janet Pashy loves it.  Turns out, I think it's fun too!

Me with the teddy bear:
Pashy with the teddy bear:
Pashy trying to entice me with the teddy bear:
We dust it up in the backyard, big time.
And then need to take a rest.

I introduced Pashy to something new....kelp!  Now she is always on the hunt when we go to the beach.
The kindness of people never ceases to amaze us.  In addition to Sharon making a donation to the SPCA in Rockers name, the people that live around the corner from us, Keith and Carolyn brought a beautiful card and plant. They had a super doggie named Buddy that passed away about a year ago.  Buddy was well known and loved in our "hood.  Lots of people have called to say how sorry they are.
Janet finished her baby quilt and has been going to Sawyers Sewing Centre on Thursday afternoons to attend a class where you bring your own project and there is an instructor there to help you.
Janet is pretty proud, but says her mitered corners need work.
And now, she goes it (almost) alone.  She bought this fabric on Maui with a pattern.  It would appear that Janet is becoming a specialist in choosing patterns that are well beyond her skill level.  Thus far, the free pattern online for the baby quilt had the most complete directions.  Karen helped her cut out the first 1/4 yard of fabric and Janet did the rest on her own.  Due to several missteps there is a lot of "design element" involved in this project.
See the red polka dot fabric, formerly known as the binding.  Not any more!