Janet wants to sew in the middle room upstairs, so has been busy cleaning it out. She sorted cookbooks; saving some and Jeremy is taking the rest to Russell Books. Too bad Kim wasn't around...she could have ball parked the prices for us! She recycled almost all of her Gourmet and Bon Appetit magazines, some of which date back to 1997! We saved all of the Bon Appetit Barbeque issues as Janet says those are her favourites.
Janet is almost finished the quilt she did pretty much on her own. She took it to her class on Thursday and Lezlie, the instructor
assisted squared it up. Then she (this time meaning Janet, not Lezlie) attached the binding, which she is finishing off by hand and started the next project!
It hasn't been washed yet and is a cornucopia of colours, due many, many you know what ups! Janet says she is still pretty proud! |
This is the next quilt, baby size again. Janet ordered the fabric from Fat Quarter Shop online and had it sent to Mike and Bronwyns. It's called "Giraffe Crossing" and Janet thinks it's super cute. |
Mr. Baby Comes To Town! He arrived on Friday and already, I, Pashy am becoming good buds with him. I'm pretty sure he adores me! Let's face it, what's not to love!
Mr. Baby goes for Pizza! Well, his handlers did whilst he looked on with envy.
Is that Diavolo or Panne e Pancetta I see over there.....out of my grasp! Mr. Baby's handlers tossed him a couple of crumbs of crust which seemed to do the trick. |
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