Yes! Janet made a super cute baby quilt and now just needs to finish the binding (photos next time) Then she pieced together a lap top size quilt! And now...get this! She is going to have someone "longarm" quilt it which makes for really cool stitch patterns.
This is the lap size quilt to be. The circle fabric on the bottom is the backing. Mr. Death Wish Phil thinks it's really boring and doesn't hesitate to share his pearls of wisdom with Mrs. Knows Where The Sharp Knives Are Janet. |
In the evening, if I don't get to go ball hunting in the park, Phil takes us over to Willows Beach and lets us off leash. On the weekend, we went for a walk, but it was daytime and we had to keep our leashes on. Technically, our leashes are supposed to be on in the evening, but you know Phil...ever the rebel!
I let my high level of dissatisfaction known. |
Rats! Didn't work so I had to catch up to them. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
After Janet's experience in Hawaii, we now know this person to be an expert paddler...perhaps even a professional!
Wearing shorts! Clearly not anticipating a dip in the ocean. |
This is part of my ball stash. It cracks me up that Noodles doesn't even care.
Please, oh please, roll off the counter!
I think it had some help.
Here we are, having a nice nights sleep when Phil decides to take our photos.
Noodles, sawing logs. |
Game on, Noodles! Try to top this as the cutest ever sleeping position!
Truth be known, those dog beds are so lumpy the floor is almost as good! Maybe Janet will take the sectional up to our sewing room for me. |
Our nice friend and neighbour, Mr. David Burr went fishing and gave us some salmon. Caught in the morning and on the table at dinner time. Doesn't get any fresher than that!
Your quilt looks great! What are the dimensions?