Monday, September 15, 2014

Janet's Super Duper Weekend!

Everyone at Our Place knew Sophie, Countess of Wessex was coming for a tour of the building and to help serve lunch.  Janet immediately volunteered to volunteer as it was on Saturday,  not one of her regular days.  Janet loves the Royal Family!

Two Fridays ago while Janet was working reception, the executive director, Don Evans very casually mentioned they had a couple of extra seats at the luncheon they were having for the Countess.  Would Janet like to come?  YES!  Would her husband like to come?  YES!  So much for volunteering!

It was mentioned in such a casual manner that Janet was certain someone else had cancelled and she was a fill in.  Never mind they were fill in and were going to be two people in a sea of a hundred faces. 

The next Friday, Janet finds out only thirty people are invited to the lunch and now she is very, very nervous.  She is afraid she will use the wrong fork, say the wrong thing.  One doesn't normally get the chance to be in the same room with Royalty, so there was a lot to worry about.

The Countess is not only beautiful, but very kind and gracious with a good sense of humour.
Janet and Phil's table.

After lunch, Don got up to make a speech - after he said the word "volunteer" Janet knew this had something to do with her as she was the only volunteer in the room.  She doesn't remember hearing anything he said after that.

Look!  The Countess of Wessex presenting Janet with Volunteer of the Year Award.

Janet was caught completely off guard as she had not an inkling this was going to happen.  Her face is all crumply as she is trying real hard not to cry.

Cool, right?  Janet is super proud and very grateful.  She says in hindsight there were clues, but as she had no idea, they escaped her.

On Sunday, they actually went for a little bike ride to Fernwood Inn for lunch and then walked around Government House.  These are the only original buildings left, and they have chickens!

Next up the for super weekend - Wendy threw herself a spectacular 60th birthday bash!  Janet so wishes she had thought to throw one for herself.  Is 62 some kind of a milestone?
Birthday girl in the black top and white skirt.

The lovely Mr. David Burr.
I don't know about Janet and Phil, but it's sheet changing day again and I'm going to take a well deserved Pashyminders break.


  1. Congratulations on a job well done! And how fabulous that they had royalty to present your award! I'm so proud to be your chum.

  2. this is the first year they have offered the award, so I think I was double lucky as I doubt they can get a member of the Royal Family to swing by every year!
