Yesterday, Janet and Phil drove to Banbury to go for a walk along the Oxford Canal. The walk is ten miles long, but being as how they didn't arrive until 11AM, it downgraded the walk to about 4 or 5 miles. As Janet writes this, she is reminded when she and our Aunt T went to Europe many, many moons ago. Janet recalls reading in her little diary that nearly every day started out with them being late for something.
There was quite a fancy shopping mall alongside the canal.
They really enjoyed the walk and ended up having lunch at The Olde Reine Deer. While the food was ho-hum, the building was spectacular.
This is a part of the pub they call the Globe Room. It is used for special functions. This room was originally used often by Oliver Cromwell. |
In the centre, Banbury Cross.
Janet tried in vain to get a photo without vehicles, but only one was the best she could do. |
They walked for a while in the other direction on the canal. There were many bridges that were numbered.
Superman Phil tried his hand at pulling the bridge such luck. They determined the bridges were built for the convenience of farmers moving from one field to another. The canals were built in the 1800's for transportation of goods but after many years were no longer used. They have since been rebuilt.
They spotted some cute British cows that were curious to see them, but backed up when Janet went to pet them. Do people actually pet cows? Janet's cow knowledge is slim to non existent.
Moving on to the cooking department, Janet has sunk to new lows! Pre-made food! Next step...selling the kitchen range and getting a bunson burner and a membership to M & M Foods!
M & S Indian Food Collection. They said it was actually pretty good - another bad sign! |
These are some cute guys that reside at their cottage.
Monty came in looking for some cookies. Janet asked the owners for some for the next visit. |
Cute, right? There are some big horses as well. |
This church has 12th century origins and is down the road from their cottage.
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