Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's A Dusty, Dusty World!

Remember the furnace filter from last week?  Turns out it's the tip of the iceberg!

Janet noticed the vacuum hasn't been working so well lately.  Wonder why?  This is the bucket to the built in vacuum system - chock a block full of dog fur and dust!

Janet says it's like having a new vacuum!
 Next up - the bottom drawer of the dishwasher has ceased to function as it is misaligned.  When the bottom drawer is taken out - a secret bonus of dog fur!
By now, it should be apparent that Janet's cleaning skills are limited to what you can see.  Never, never open a closet door!
As usual, Peter came by on Friday after squash.  Janet made them sit in the living room as she was using the island in the kitchen to cut some fabric.

We troop it out at Willows Beach park.  I've got a really good stick that Noodles doesn't give a rats ass about.
Janet channeled her inner Asian and made fried rice and gyoza.

Look!  Our new doggie tags.  It's so cool they are purple this year as it matches my collar.  We are 719 and 720 this year.
We love each other.
Janet and Karen shared a fabric order and had it sent to Brownyn's house.  After Janet brought the fabric home, she divided it up into her pile and Karen's pile which was placed on the bottom shelf of the foyer table.  After Karen came to pick it up, Janet couldn't find a bundle of fat quarters.  She looked all over the place, and in the end, decided she was nuts (Hello!  What took so long?!?) and went upstairs and gave Karen her bundle.

Bonus!  We might love each other, but a puppy girl has to look after her own butt!  Not mentioning any names, but I did not take the bundle of fabric off the table, down to the bedroom and chew all the labels off.  Doggie who is now in Witness Protection also managed to undo the bow and puppy handle the fabric a bit! 

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