Puppy girls - oh, yeah! We know how to live the good life.
Phil decided to go to Whistler to ski for the weekend, so we had a "staycation". Talk about quiet and relaxing! Janet made some stuff for Phil to take to Whistler and to Squamish as he was going there on Friday to have dinner with Mr. Baby. Mr. Baby can now say "Ya Ya" and "Grandpa".
Ricotta stuffed pasta shells with ground beef and Italian sausage, chocolate chip cookies and blueberry muffins. |
Smack dab in the area Janet is working in. |
While he was gone, Janet took us twice a day to either Willows or Firemans Park. Noodles has the exact same routine every time we go to Willows.
She heads over to the far wall and walks toward the sidewalk. |
Rolling on the baseball diamond while I enjoy a good stick. |
See what a clever girl I am, holding the bone in my paws. I'm also as fast as lightening. Janet left the trash compactor open for about 2 seconds and BAM - I was Johnny On The Spot selecting a chicken wing bone. Janet didn't think that was so clever and pried my mouth wide open to retrieve the pieces. Then I got a big lecture about the dangers of bones - a lecture I'm not likely to recall should I have the good fortune of an open compactor again.
This was also not my brightest moment. I was convinced it was a ball and nearly dislocated Janet's shoulder getting over there.
We enjoy our food so much that the bowls often end up far from the kitchen!
Phil....we want our cookies now!
Janet made yakisoba from some noodles she bought at Costco.