Monday, February 16, 2015

Janet Is Really Low On Blogging Topics

We have reached a new low that  even I, Pashyminders, would have thought impossible.
Ab-so-lute-ly.  Nothing.  Going.  On.  In.  Our.  Lives.   Ouch!

That's not entirely true - Karen called Janet to let her know their long time mutual friend Gill was coming for the weekend.  They met for lunch and had a ball.  Janet dropped by Karen's while Gill was there the next day and they all chatted for about an hour.  No photographs!  Come on, Janet!

Our big excitement this week is our new microwave!  Yes!  Janet is super happy.

Our old microwave (the new one is the exact same as the old one) worked fine, but the latch had ceased to close properly for several months.  The door had to be finessed shut in order to work.  Janet's prediction was that the microwave would fully break down on Christmas day.  Too bad there wasn't a lottery as Janet would have won big time.

On this one occasion only, Phil who lives to save any single item he has ever owned managed to go to the attic and pull out this jobby - no room in the kitchen so it's in the back porch.  It takes forever to warm up anything and you don't even want to know how long it takes to really poorly defrost meat.  However, it was better than not having a micro.

Good thing it was in the back porch as it's so old it may have been transmitting bad micros to puppy girls!
 New one...funny - it looks just like the old one except we don't have to slam the door shut.  Janet is really happy.
Jeremy did a super job of installing it.  The death of the previous model was expedited over the Christmas season with extra hands trying to finesse it shut.
Noodles is a really cheap date.  She just loves ice cubes.

Waiting, waiting, Phil.  Come on buddy!

Phil discovered a really cool program on the computer.  He made this super cute card for Janet for Valentines Day in about 10 minutes.  Janet has just purchased her last card at the drugstore!

Janet has a really exciting week upcoming, so perhaps she will have something interesting to blog about.  Thursday is Chinese New Years Lunch at her volunteer job and after that she is going to quilting.  She is also on a stay-cation as Phil is going skiing on Thursday.  Toss in channeling really deep into her inner nerves of steel to drive to LongArm Arlenes and it's going to be busy!

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