The day after Janet arrived home from Tokyo, Meg and Derek and Finley came to visit. They left Squamish early due bad air quality from one of the way too many forest fires in B.C.
The most common theme during the visit was how much Noodles loved
Mr. Baby the food Mr. Baby dropped on the floor. Part way through the visit, they blocked off one edge of the kitchen, restricting her access. Noodles, not being the sharpest knife in the drawer forgot she had access from the other side! Janet says now that Noodles is closing in on 14 years old, she is really obsessed with food. That's likely because she missed so many meals earlier on in her life - yeah, right!
Noodles - this one is bubble maker, not food! |
They went to visit Beacon Hill Petting Zoo - one of Janet's favourite places in Victoria. There were two incidents that reminded Janet and Meg so much of Rockers.
The first is the Mexican Stand Off between a peacock and a really cute sheep. This made them think of Rockers who would stand in the same spot for hours rather than walk past Meg's cat Zambo.
There were three other sheep just around the corner who were busy eating and not prepared to lend a helping hoof! |
The other was two goats that were enjoying a nap together. Noodles and Rockers used to sleep with mostly Rocker's head resting on Noodles back.
Aren't they cute? |
Finley likes to make himself monster hands. Janet thinks he is so cute because he can talk up a storm now. And, he's not afraid to dispense advice! "Be careful, Yaya" when Janet steps up on a stool. "Daddy go away" when he discovers a treasure trove of goodies in Phil's desk.
He was very helpful washing off his Momma's SUP. |
He also helped his Poppa with some work issues.
They were so busy, it was necessary for Finley to use two screens.
"OK, Poppa - let's get this bad boy of a contract in the computer so we can go enjoy a
beer sippy cup of milk!"
"What! No paper in the printer? No worries, Poppa, I'm on it. While I'm at it, do you mind if I store some pens in here?"
Janet bought these cute shorts at Uni Qlo in Tokyo, but length wise they are more like capri pants. Not to worry, Finley - Auntie Brownyn assured Yaya many years ago that everyone can wear capri pants. Janet always wanted capri pants, but thought they looked awful on her. Next time they went shopping, Bronwnyn laughed her head off when Yaya tried some on and had to admit she was wrong! |
Sadly, the visit had to come to an end. Janet was seriously glad she lacks the Illingworth packing gene and did not have to do anything with this!
Glennie hooked Meg up with a super deal on some barely used windsurfing equipment. That's Mr. Baby's water table in front of them. |
It's a miracle!
Meg was busy packing up a bag of treasures for the ferry, when Finley came along and said "I pack bag" He then opened up a cupboard and took out two cans of pineapple (his favourite), did a little jig and then put them in the backpack. After that, he opened up a drawer and extracted a large bag of raisins and then dropped them in the bag. Janet is somewhat suspicious that his mother put him up to it in an order to cut down on their grocery bills - just kidding and takin' the piss, Meg!
And, before you knew it, they were gone!
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