Monday, November 30, 2015

Part 2!

Janet hurried to get part 2 done as we doggies told her that there will be many, many people who, after reading part 1, will be dying to know how the rest of our year turned out!

Phil who in previous years, has struck about as low as a guy can go in the gift giving department managed to up his game.  When Janet turned sixty, she was delusional enough to assume there was a surprise party in the works.  Nope.  She was crestfallen.  When she turned 61, she thought perhaps he would do it then.  Nope.  Even more crestfallen.  On the day she turned 62, not a word was mentioned about Janet's birthday.  Phil called to ask if she needed anything from the grocery store.  At this point in time, Janet thinks he's pretty much kidding.  Then, he comes home with the groceries!!  We feared Janet's head would explode.  When he overheard Meg on facetime wishing Janet a Happy Birthday, he bust his ass out of the house in a nano-second.
Please tell us the bar can't go any lower.
On the literal spur of the moment, Janet and Karen went to Tokyo.  They had a great time!
Asa on left side used to live with us years ago.  She is still as beautiful now as she was then.  On the right is Poo, David Shapiro's wife.  David Shapiro is the link to all Tokyo people and does a great job of keeping in contact.
They did some shopping:
This is just the fabric.  There were a lot of other items as well.
And had the misfortune of having to bring it home:

Come on, can do it!  It's not as high as it looks.  In the end some nice Japanese man gave her a hand.
For the first time ever, Janet made home made tomato sauce.  She had 16 pounds of Roma tomatoes from her garden and followed a recipe from Silver Palate.  It simmered on the stove for three hours.
The old Oak Bay High came down.
And the new one went up with a super theatre.
I didn't get a part in the movie which I so desperately wanted.
I don't get it.  I'm super cute, I'm smart and kind and loving and I haven't even touched on my talent.  Is it because I only listen when I feel like it?
The people went to see Ringo Starr!  They loved it!

Yes indeed, folks.  This is the view $100 each person affords you.  Janet feared she was going to kill the woman sitting in front of her who was fluffing up her hair on a 10 minute cycle.
Guess what!  They packed up and went on another trip to the U.K.!
They had some really good food.

Halloween notice.

Duckies get protected there as well.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Four Years In The Kingdom Of Dog Blog! Part 1!

Today marks four years since Janet started our blog.  She did it on a whim as Aunt T and Devon each had a blog and she admired them.  Phil had to show her the ropes and she started whilst in PDX dog sitting for Mike and Bronwyn who went on vacation.

So, what has happened in the last year?  So glad you can hardly wait to find out!

The whole family came home for Christmas!
Everyone helped out to make Brunch.  Janet was super sick, so was really relieved.
Each one of them brought every piece of footwear they own!
Janet's new Holiday tradition for the last two years is Cinnamon Buns from The Pioneer Woman.  This year was somewhat taxing as she neglected to read the expiry date on the yeast and managed to screw up another time before the third time was the charm.  This is how sick Janet was - she didn't go out for family Sushi lunch or for Boxing Day Chinese!
Janet cannot recall our children laughing so hard they were splitting a gut as they played the very politically correct game "Cards Against Humanity".  They were having such a good time, Janet could hear them laughing from the far end of the wing hall.
 The latch on the microwave broke exactly when Janet predicted it would - over Christmas.  This is the new one which looks exactly like the old one.
Because Phil refuses to part with anything, they were able to haul out this Bad Boy and put it in the back porch, where it is freezing cold.  It was big and it was ugly, but at least they had a microwave.

Sisterly love.
Thanks for coming!
The people started out the year by going to The Big Island.  They had a great location.
Phil was able to relax.  Please be sure to note that Janet is still sick at this point in time.

At home, they discovered a new Japanese restaurant that they really like.  Not for sushi so much, but for cooked Japanese food.

My New Years Resolution was to start standing my ground on changing spots just because Mrs. Anal wants to mop.  Yes!  I did it!  I'm even starting to stand firm on not moving for the vacuum, but it's a bit more scary than the mop.
Janet finally moves into the real world with a phone that doesn't fold in half.  It can text!  It can take photos!  It can get email!  Now Janet can look as cool as everyone else out there, staring at their phones all day.  These are important things.
Then, in April, Janet was lucky enough to go to Maui with Meg and Finley.  Bronwyn joined in last minute which was great for Janet as Mr. Baby's Auntie was a big help in the child care department when Meg went diving.

Meg was able to relax.
Bronwyn was also able to relax.  Fortunately, on this trip, Janet is no longer sick.
This little munchkin.....
Noodles is a super babysitter.  Too bad she didn't get to go to Maui to give a paw!
 turned two on May 29!
Nothing says "Happy Birthday Mr. Two Years Old" than sushi lunch!
Phil gardened.  This is earth shattering!
Even more shocking, he did it again!  It all appears to be Bamboo related.
Part two real soon!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Small Person Comes To Visit!

Mr. Baby and his entourage rolled into town on Saturday morning.  His Grandpa and his Yaya raced outside to see them.  The first thing Finley said was "I love Yaya so much!"  What an intelligent, well brought up, kind, considerate, giving.....OK, OK!  Shut up Janet!

Janet and Phil bought some Dinosaur Wellies whilst in the U.K. and set them by the front door prior to their arrival.  As soon as Finley walked through the door, he took off his really cute Moose boots and swapped for the Dino jobbies.

Robot jammies (aka day wear) also came from the U.K.
We went for some walks.
A pile of leaves nearly as high as a little boy.
We did some research on the internet, sussing out which Black Friday deals might be the best.
This is a job that calls for a Dinosaur boot and a Moose boot.
We built a gigantic puzzle.

We had some milk.  Then we had more milk.  And then, we had even more milk.
Finley is very big on doing things himself.
Adventures in toy land!
All done!
Sadly, the visit had to come to an end.  Finley, however,  did leave some souveniers from their visit that his Yaya will cherish for years to come!

There were also some too adorable hand prints on the glass door leading to his Grandpa's office, but they didn't photograph very well.
Why are we so short on silverware?  This came to light two days later. 
"Just giving you a hand, Yaya, with a little reorganization".
Lastly, what does a little boy do when he leaves?  He parks his little car and his water bottle in the "garage".
Now, all of us are sad.  It's really quiet here!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Can You Tell We Are Home?

First clue!  No blog post for more than a week so that means Janet has eased back into her regular boring life at home.  Too sad!

Here is what we did lately!  We went for some walks with the autumn leaves:

Noodles can't go so far, so Janet and Phil and I trooped up to the War Memorial for Remembrance Day.  It was really nice and all kinds of strangers felt compelled to pet me.  Bonus!  I have to admit I am somewhat shameless trying to get strangers to pet me.  Janet wants to know how a Cenotaph differs from a War Memorial.  There were tons of people there.
Beautiful blue sky!

Flag at half mast.
The people put a doggie blanket on the floor to enable Noodies to eat.  Her back end keeps slipping out from under her, so they thought this might be an improvement.
Wrong end, Noodles.  It's supposed to be for your back end.
Janet finished another quilt and I don't believe anything says "new quilt" more than my trying it out.  Not sure why I am so compelled to take a rest on new quilts on the floor!

They bought some super cute gifts for Mr. Baby Now A Toddler whilst in the U.K.  Phil discovered a super cute store called Jojo Maman Bebe.  Check this out!
See the cute jagged dino teeth on the top of the hoodie?

We had two days of really, really  stormy weather.
Storm war victims!
As a result, Janet made some Chicken Noodle Soup.  Home made!
With Cheddar Cheese Buns.  They said it was delicious!

I'm on a protest.  If we don't get Memory Foam Beds real soon, I'm just going to sleep on the Human pillows.  Hello. Mr. and Mrs. El Cheopo!  Por favor on the memory foam beds!
Good night, everyone!
We are getting ready for Christmas!