Mr. Baby and his entourage rolled into town on Saturday morning. His Grandpa and his Yaya raced outside to see them. The first thing Finley said was "I love Yaya so much!" What an intelligent, well brought up, kind, considerate, giving.....OK, OK! Shut up Janet!
Janet and Phil bought some Dinosaur Wellies whilst in the U.K. and set them by the front door prior to their arrival. As soon as Finley walked through the door, he took off his really cute Moose boots and swapped for the Dino jobbies.
Robot jammies (aka day wear) also came from the U.K. |
We went for some walks.
A pile of leaves nearly as high as a little boy. |
We did some research on the internet, sussing out which Black Friday deals might be the best.
This is a job that calls for a Dinosaur boot and a Moose boot. |
We built a gigantic puzzle.
We had some milk. Then we had more milk. And then, we had even more milk.
Finley is very big on doing things himself. |
Adventures in toy land!
All done!
Sadly, the visit had to come to an end. Finley, however, did leave some souveniers from their visit that his Yaya will cherish for years to come!
There were also some too adorable hand prints on the glass door leading to his Grandpa's office, but they didn't photograph very well. |
Why are we so short on silverware? This came to light two days later.
"Just giving you a hand, Yaya, with a little reorganization". |
Lastly, what does a little boy do when he leaves? He parks his little car and his water bottle in the "garage".
Now, all of us are sad. It's really quiet here! |
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