Phil went skiing. He usually goes once or twice a year with his friend Dave, who has a house in Whistler and some other guys. We doggies were sad that he was leaving. Janet couldn't even be bothered to fake it! It was two non cooking, non cleaning days of silence. AKA - Heaven! Here is what Janet didn't have to do while Phil was gone:
It's kind of hard to tell from the photo, but everyday, without fail, Phil puts his fingerprints all over the microwave. Janet cleans it every day, but the next day, they are back again. |
Muddy shoes - this is also an everyday activity in Janet's life. Phil sits on the bottom step going upstairs, puts on his muddy shoes and then Janet cleans them up.
Speaking of activities, Janet did the unthinkable. She returned to yoga! She knew she had been gone for awhile, but turns out it's been nearly two years! The good news is she returned. The bad news is she is more lame than ever and can give up the dream in her head that she still has some flexibility. She was so lame, fellow students (who appeared to be way more advanced than beginner!) were giving her a hand. Janet, by accident chose the front row. Next weeks game plan - go early and snag the back row!
As painful as it was, she felt better after the class. |
Janet was rushing out of the house to get to yoga and quickly grabbed a bottle of water to drink in the car. There were two in the frig - a sealed bottle and and unsealed bottle that Mr. Baby toted around for days and had been refilled. Janet grabbed the unsealed bottle by accident. It tasted awful and had all kinds of particles settling in the bottom!
Before Phil left, they had Karen over for dinner as Ken was out of town. Jeremy's girlfriend, Heidi is a professional chef and kindly gave Janet her recipe for Butter Chicken. She also made Tarka Dhal and Phil purchased some fresh made naan from the Indian grocery store. It was still warm when it arrived home!
I'm back in the ball business! Three this spring already. Janet says they are from last years baseball games, so we aren't allowed to count them as part of this years tally.
I think I've found it Janet! |
I'm on my way to get it! |
Well done, if I do say so myself. |
A few days ago, I had a very unfortunate incident whilst climbing up the front steps. I still had my leash on and somehow managed to step on the leash midway to the next step. I was very frightened and now won't walk up the steps if my leash is loose.
I'm trying to play hard to get, but in the end Janet shut the front door and I had to cave. |
Noodles newest gig is watching for the front door to be left open. With the speed of lightening, she is off the sofa and out the door. Noodles other latest gig is to go outside and bark at the fresh air.
This falls into the "how stupid can you be" department. There was a bake sale at Phil's office as a fundraiser for a realtor who goes to Honduras to build schools. This year they are building a clinic. Janet never got around to the baking all weekend long. She could have waited until the bake sale was over and say to Phil "Golly, gee Phil! I plum forgot!" No - she is so dense she tells him that she feels guilty for not having done anything. Fool! Janet is hugely motivated by guilt, which Phil didn't hesitate to lay on thick - even going so far as to say he wouldn't be able to go to the office for several days. End result:
The Honduran flag is blue and white. |
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