Thursday, June 2, 2016

Road Trip O'Clock!

Yes...we go on another road trip!

Here we go in the back of the trusty Volvo.  Only the People know where we are going, so it will be a surprise for us.
We had to delay our departure due Phil's work (as opposed to Janet's "work" - always described with air quotes!).  As a result, we stayed over night in Nanaimo.

Nice carpet in this pup friendly joint!
Check it out!  Fresh TV remote!
They watched some old school TV with their fresh remote:
Some of Janet's extensive and appreciative readership may not know that Phil was an Olympian in the 1972 Olympics in Munich.  His sport was Judo.
Our final destination - Finleyland!  You have probably heard of Disneyland, Legoland and Adventureland.  Well, they can't hold a candle to Finleyland!

They have a resident kitty in Squamish.  Her name is Zambo and she is 14 years old - just like Noodles!  She has her own little sanctuary upstairs when we come to visit.  According to Janet, Zambo scared the shit out of Noodles and Rockers!
Janet's pet photo taking skills might need some work!
The focal point of the trip to Squamish was to celebrate Finley's 3rd birthday!   There was a party on Saturday at Finley's good buddy Violet's house.  Check out the footware at the door.

This is a small portion!

  Super fun!  Janet said they had a bouncy castle inside!
Meg can hardly wait to give it a whirl.
There was a party problem.   Meg, tossed around her hefty 115 pounds on the Bouncy Castle and brought that baby down!  Phil and Janet silently scooted out, seconds later!

Coming back up again!
We tried to get some rest at Finleyland, but I discovered the neighbour kitty that likes to relax on Meg and Derek's patio.  I spent a lot of time studying the kitty's every move.
Her every move was riveting!
Finley opened his gifts!  According to Meg, this is the hottest toddler toy out there - MagnaTiles.  She searched high and low to find some.  Kind of reminds Janet of the Cabbage Patch Doll Push and Shove Match of years gone by.
We think that is Janet's ugly leg!
The train passes by across the road from Meg and Derek's house.  Janet waited patiently for the caboose only to be advised from those in the "know" that only a serious moron would do so as trains haven't had a caboose for years.  Sheesh!  Who knew?
Bus stop, Squamish style.
Meg's new sideline career - Classic Pianist!  She and Briana went together to purchase a used electric piano.
That wraps up another week.  Goodnight!

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