It has just been discovered in Camp Canada, that I love, love swimming! Janet and Phil took me to a beach close to home for the first time and now I have been to the beach twice, once to Thetis Lake Park and once to Beaver Lake Park. We had to be careful with Noodles the last few months and thus, didn't have too many big adventures.
Janet says they have been to Beaver Lake Park about twice in the last decade. Both time, by major accident it was the
stupid effing charming Saanich Strawberry Festival. This translates to one million stupid people and no parking spots. They were pissed!
However, as always, they like to make turn a negative (yeah, right) into a positive and we forged ahead!
Bouncy Castle heaven - Hello, Meg!!
You can tell Meg isn't here as the Bouncy Castle is still standing! |
I did my best to drag Janet to the water so I could go for a little swim!
I love to play the helpless pup routine and make Phil lift me into the back of the car. Even when I was a young pup, I couldn't wrap my puppy dog brain around jumping into the back. Perhaps if we drove a high end BMW or Audi SUV, I might be able to make a go of it. A several years old Volvo Wagon - give me a hand, Phil.
Meanwhile, closer to home, Janet expressed some serious attitude towards the sand on the floor. I promise, Janet, despite enough sand on the bedroom floor to build a sand castle, I did not go on the beach, as per your directive!
The people bought a new patio table set!
The old set was basically a heap of rust with a tile top. |
Phil purchased some sashimi tuna from Uwajimaya when we were in PDX. They said it was delicious!
We checked out the Water Park at Carnarvon Park for when Mr. Finley arrives. It looks like fun, but no dogs allowed! This is outright discrimination and I will paw a letter to our MLA to express my dissatisfaction.
Last night, we had major drama that I was not involved in. Phil left the house in the evening to run an errand and then called Janet to say there was a loose dog on our street. Janet grabbed a leash and some cookies to find the lost pup. Turns out, this doggie was all over the map in Oak Bay and was running hard for more than an hour down the middle of all the roads she was on. There were about 12 people and 4 or 5 cars trying to corral her.
I don't want to brag, but Janet says Phil and another lady saved the day! The puppy was on Beach Drive and crossed over to the sidewalk in a small park near the Marina. Phil drove across the road onto the sidewalk and another lady pulled her car up on the other side. This forced the puppy off the road. She ran into the water and swam for a little, but by this time was so exhausted she came to the rocks at the waters edge and Phil carried her out.
Her name is Stella and she had only been with her people for 5 hours. She was a rescue from Mexico and when they opened the door to go for a walk, she bolted. Her people were so grateful and Stella was as sweet as could be.
Super cute, but stressed little girl. Bet she slept well on her first night in Canada! The kindness of people in Oak Bay is unbelievable. |
Before I go to bed, Janet, would you mind getting my ball out from underneath the cabinet for me?
I am exhausted just thinking about Stella's adventures!
I am exhausted just thinking about Stella's adventure! |