Friday, July 29, 2016

Finley Comes For A Visit!

Finn Man dropped by with his entourage for a week.  We were super busy!

We went to Beacon Hill Petting of Janet's favourite destinations!  There were a ton of baby goats romping around.  Janet wonders if their diet is up to par as this little guy is apparently lacking the nutritive value found in man made fibres!

Her name is Goldilocks.

 There was the pig barn.  Did you know pigs have the same level of intelligence as 4 year old children?
Check out the guy lying below the food container!  Sorry, guys, am I in your way?

There was a big shiny red bus outside the Petting Zoo.  Janet says if she were to be a bus driver, this would be her bus of choice.  Not too likely to happen as Janet can barely drive downtown and whilst doing so must always use the same route, change lanes as soon as possible and always park in the same location!

To add to the excitement of the week, they went to Carnarvon Water Park.  It's not very far from our house, so Meg, Finley and Janet walked.  No dogs allowed in the water area, which is B.S. as far as I'm concerned.
That's Meg, showing Finley the ropes.
There is also a "dry" component to the park.  That's Finley off in the distance.  He had a bag of Annie's Bunnies that he foolishly left with his Mother and Yaya who snacked on them with gay abandon.  Upon his return, he looked in the bag and said "hmmmm....not much bunnies!"   Busted, loving Mother and Grandmother!
We also spent some time at Firemans Firepersons Park.  Finley played with the toys that have been there for years, but Janet now feels the dump truck is missing.  She hasn't seen it for a week or so.

Janet has made many quilts, but thus far, this one is among her favourites.  Meg and Derek are giving it as a wedding gift to their friends, Kory and Julie.

Best discovery ever!  SodaStream!  Club Soda at your finger tips.  Watching for it to go on sale and then having to deal with the cans is a thing of the past!  Full disclosure - it was Phil's idea.
I'm super exhausted, so piss off Janet - I'm not moving!  Good night, everyone!

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