Janet did our last post on Valentines Day as early as possible to free up the evening for opening of gifts and going out for dinner.
At about 9PM, Janet reminded Mr. Romance it was Valentines Day. Dinner = whatever Janet made.
The collection of gifts =
Abso-f**ck-lutely nothing! This is now filed in Janet's memory bank. This may or may not be a problem for Phil as quite frankly, Janet's memory sucks big time, although it does appear to be more acute for shit she wants to harbour and nurture. |
Janet has been half sick/half well for more than three weeks. She wishes her cold/flu would grab hold so she could be really ill for a couple of days and then move on. As a result, she has been working with half a brain for way too long.
To wit - Janet's loves the Volunteer Manager, Julia, at Our Place Society. Julia is now going to a new job, so Janet wanted to give a quilt to Julia on behalf of everyone at OPS. Here is the quilt:
Photos of Julia receiving the quilt? No. Photos of Julia's bye bye party? No. |
This photo of a bathtub, filled with hot water probably isn't very exciting to anyone. Unless your name is Janet.
We don't have a hot water tank. We have hot water on demand. For months, the flow of water has become increasing noisy, with a big clunk part way through. Charlie, our Gas Man said it need to be checked out immediately.
Hot Water On Demand unit. Never bursts, like too many water tanks we have had! Isn't our basement to die for? |
A valve was required and had to come from outside Victoria. This is how Janet bathed for more than a week! There was so little water in the tub, it didn't cover her calves!
Janet says she thinks it's a very sad situation when just after a couple of days, you now have a "system" for your new bathing habits! |
I fear there is some bad news on my front. First, I hear a lot of mention of the "P" word and then I see this on the computer screen this afternoon. This is NOT the kind of food I eat!!
I just love my Teddy Bear so much!
Good night!
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