Monday, March 20, 2017

Worst. Day. Ever.

It actually happened!  I had lulled myself into a sense of complacency believing I was dealing with "alternative facts"!  I was so wrong.  Little shit head, Sherman, arrived on Thursday.
Here he is, in his crate at the airport before it is unlocked.

The really bad news is that he is as cute as could be.  He has a cute little jaunty walk, sleeps in super cute positions and has a cute fat tummy.

Janet and Phil are so blind to his manipulation they actually believe he is risking life and limb to descend the stairs!

I don't want to be friends with him.  I started out trying to ignore him, but have had to resort to barks and growls.  He still doesn't get it!  If he thinks he can charm me, he can dream on.

In my final act of solo lashing out, I started to dig around in a grocery bag Phil brought home.  Janet assumed it was stuff from A Pet's Life, but it turned out to be a really delicious bagel that I polished off in no time flat!
At Janet's work they had a special dinner, cooked and sponsored by the cooking school at Camosun College.  Very fancy!

They also had a huge donation of asparagus!  Check it out!
Janet and Phil went to their Elton John concert that they said was sensational!  Started at 8PM sharp and went on for a solid 2.5 hours.

Lucky for this lady, she wasn't blocking Janet's view.  Whilst Janet admired her joie de vivre and lack of inhibition, she is not having a $500 evening out to look at somebodies ass!
The downside to the floor - you stand all concert long!
Janet always cuts Phil grief as he is really lame at using the stove.  He has, in the past, put something on the stovetop and gone to his office to work and wreaked havoc.  Electric kettle on U.K. "hob" anyone?

Turns out Janet has precious little to complain about.  She was making some hummingbird food and completely forgot about it.  The end result?
Lest you think Janet was languishing in the far wing of our manor house:
See that black stool - that's where Janet was sitting while the sugar and water were turning itself into a charred mess.
Good night!
Nope!  I am not going to be pals with you!

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