Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's Easter Time!

We are having the most spectacular weather and it's Easter time!  This means two things.  First thing is there is a special meal at Janet's volunteer job.  They had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberries and mixed vegetables.  Yet again, Janet was on local TV!  If this keeps up, we doggies think we need to look into some kind of an agent.   Please don't even mention the desperate need for a stylist!.  If only we knew how to dial a phone or use the internet!  Maybe she could earn some actual money...her earning power is as dismal as could be.  This is the second time in a row that more than Janet's left arm has been highlighted!

Crazy Computer Lady tried to attach the link of the TV video, but it didn't go too well.
From the left:  Erin, who doesn't like to be photographed because she says she's in Witness Protection, Terri, Katherine and Catherine.  Everyone except Terri are Janet's regular fellow Thursday volunteers.  Chef Dave in the background.  Janet loves her Thursday friends!
Yesterday, Janet took us to the beach.  There was a huge fog bank that was starting to dissipate.  We thought it was pretty cool because it looked like the beach was steaming.
The second thing Easter means is that Meg, Derek and The Bump came to visit us again.  We kicked up the greeting big time as she was so disappointed over last times greeting.  Noodles even cranked out some crying!
Here's Janet slaving away over a hot stove.  She is trying to stockpile freezer food so that when The Bump arrives, Meg won't have to make dinner every night.
Pork Stir Fry with Tofu and Pine Nuts.
Chicken Spaghetti from The Pioneer Woman

While she is as busy as could be,  we are trying our best to fill in the day.
Meg and Noodles are reading Pride and Prejudice.

I'm lying in this very awkward position, in the sun.

Noodles is imitating my Very Important Doggie Sit.

Did we tell you about the house behind us that they have knocked down and are now building a new house?  It's at the end of the cul-de-sac behind our garage.  It's pretty noisy at our house, so we are really glad we aren't the next door neighbours.
This is a two man, one dog job.  The lucky doggie gets to go to work with one of the men, and waits in the truck.  Noodles had to take him to task when we walked by.  Noodles can be such a crabby pants!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, Ruby!

It's true....Rubby Dubs turns 13 years old today!  Look at how super cute she was when she was a baby!  We hope Mike and Bronwyn will make her something special for dinner.  Maybe they will even make party hats like Janet and Phil did for us.
A puppy on a mission!
 Not that we want to steal Rubs thunder on her big day, we think we were pretty cute ourselves.
Sleeping cozy.
 Yesterday it was really nice out, so Janet took us to Uplands Park.  There is still way more water than she was hoping for.  She managed to guide us away from all the large puddles, but once we got to the exit, there no way around them.

 Even with Janet's freakishly long legs, she could barely leap over this ravine.
 This is so nice and refreshing.   Just what a doggie needs on a nice spring day.
Oh, that feels so good!

 Come on in Noodles - it's like a big spa for free!  A mud bath that people spend all kinds of money on.
Noodles takes the plunge!

This water, however, is really cold and not at all refreshing and not working for us on so many levels.
Noodles says no way in hell heck is she getting her feet rinsed again.
She might look like she is taking a tough stand on this issue, but guess who got her feet rinsed again?
Whenever Noodles gets the chance, she jumps up on Phil and Janet's bed.  She knows she is not supposed to, but Noodles pretty much does what ever she feels like and is prepared to pay the price.   Ha!  There is never a price to pay with these two in charge!  In a feeble attempt to placate Janet, she moves to the side of the bed Janet has made to free up the other side.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our Uncle Bob's Breakfast

When our Uncle Bob and our Aunt T were here for Christmas, Uncle Bob purchased a special breakfast at Our Place for Janet for Christmas.  She was so happy!  Normally breakfast is porridge downstairs in the Nutrition Bar.  Special Breakfast is much fancier with ham, hash brown potatoes and scrambled eggs and is served upstairs in the dining room.

They had their fancy pants breakfast on Monday.

Check it out!
Janet rallied up some friends to help serve the breakfast.
Lolo and Karen.  Lolo had a stiff neck and could barely turn her head.  Ken was on dishes.

Monie on the coffee.  John was on bussing.

 Chef Extraordinaire, Dave was in charge.

Things are really heating up in Oak Bay.  It's Garden Refuse Week!  This is very exciting for Oak Bay residents as you can put out a ton of garden trimmings on the street side and they will come and pick them up.  This saves many trips to the dump!  Sadly, it only happens once a year.
This is a four man job.

I have a sore back so got to go for acupuncture this morning.  I LOVE acupuncture.  Phil could hardly keep up with me, I was walking so fast to get into the office.

Turns out we have two Chubby Wubbys in our family!  Phil brought Noodles along to the vet as well and Noodles has gained 6 pounds!
She is ashamed of her weight gain and is in denial.

Clever, clever Noodles uses a prop to hide her fat tummy!
I'm so happy that Phil took me for acupuncture I even followed him into the bathroom.  Janet says she has never seen either one of us lie on the  bath mat.
What do you think?  Is this too much information?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Our Baby (Bump) Comes Home!

Oh yeah....Meg and Derek came home as well.  We don't suppose the baby bump can visit on his/her own.    Meg was really irritated with us when they came to the house.   We were in a deep, deep, doggie sleep and gave the most lame of greetings.  It was sad and pathetic!  Janet gets a better greeting after having been gone all afternoon.  We are super sorry, Meg.  We were pooped!

Here we are, in an effort to redeem ourselves.

Noodles is checking for the heartbeat and some kicks and says it's all systems go!

Noodles is rockin' her redemption big time by doing what she thinks is her "super cute puppy play time" routine.

 While we are busting our collective asses butts off to redeem ourselves; what does that stupid teddy bear Throckmorton have to do?  Nothing, except lounge around on what is now the "Mommys to be" sleep pillow with his Italian tee shirt on.  Somehow, this is just wrong.  Do we have any gifts from Italy?  No!  We are seriously worried.  Rockers didn't get the Ring Pup gig.   We didn't tell anyone, but secretly, we have been hoping to be GodPup Mother and GodPup Father.   What do you think?  Is it a stretch?

We'll admit he's cute, but come on!  He does nothing.

Cute couple and a half!

Janet should have stood in front!  For the first time in Janet's entire life, Meg is wider than she is!

They had Sukiyaki and Gyoza for dinner last night. Starting on the left side, Chubby Wubby, Phil, Our Favourite Son, Derek and Derek's friend Scott.  In the six degrees of separation department, Scott is Derek's friend from high school, is also married to a doctor and lives about three blocks from our house.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Is Here!

Well, kind of!  This was our backyard in the morning, a few days ago.
Janet had just cut the lawn the day before, so the frost is in nice straight rows.  This is the kind of thing Janet thrives on!  Whoever said retired people need mental stimulation hasn't met Janet. 
Phil is whipping up another batch of our delicious meals.  We like to give him a hand, if we have the time.  I like to try and stare him into hurrying up.  Rockers has stopped for a brief moment to serenade.  Usually Rockers paces in a circle from the kitchen, through the dining room, into the hallway and back into the kitchen the whole time Phil is making our dinner.
He thinks we adore him, but all we really want is dinner!
Another sign of spring:
Lots and lots of little birdies.  Janet loves them.  Unfortunately, the bamboo they are resting on has died and now needs to be cut out.
Jack stopped by our house the other day.  He and Gwen want to take Janet and Phil out for Chinese food.  Mr. Beau bolted up the steps and made himself right at home.
 Mr. Beau is like greased lightning, so there isn't a good shot of him.
Here is Rocker's imitation of a three legged dog.
That's Rockers club paw in the forefront.  It is way bigger than his other front paw and he is very self conscious about it. We always whisper when we talk about it, so he won't know.
I carefully positioned myself in the kitchen, and it paid off in spades.  I got to lick the remaining beaten egg out of the bowl.  I had to be very still and quiet as I don't want Rockers to know I have this treat.
If I stand up, Rockers might catch on.
Janet took us the beach this morning and we chanced upon a gaggle of small children who we quickly turned into an adoring fan club.  They were part of a camp for Spring Break. 
Next thing you know, we'll be dodging the paparazzi!  Come back little girls and we will pawograph a photo for you.
Remember the Souper Sunday they had last weekend?  Did Janet take any photos of her contribution?  Nope.  Did she take any photos of all the soups lined up?  Nope.  Did she take any photos of all the guests at the party?  Nope.  How about all the breads and desserts lined up?  Nope to that one too!

Friday, March 8, 2013

She's Getting Better!

Yay!  While Janet is still not 100%, she is way better and actually has some energy.  This is a huge improvement.  We doggies are happy for her.

A couple of years ago, Janet purchased some dog toys for Noodles at Costco.  They were labeled as indestructible.  The people that made these toys have never met Noodles.  There were 3 in a package and the first two were "noodleized" quite some time ago.  Janet brought the third one out the other day to see how long it will last.
Brand new, out of the package.  Noodles doesn't seem to care about it too much.
Cagey, cagey Noodles managed to sneak a piece of kelp into the house.  She loves her kelp.
We don't know why Phil insists on taxing our limitations.  He wants us to eat our food while he holds the bowl.  Why can't he just put the food on the floor?  Noodles is OK with forging ahead, but I'm nervous about this situation.
See Phil's sparkly new fleece jacket with DFH on the sleeve?  He "won" this jacket for having the second highest sales at DFH last year.
In an effort to get herself moving, Janet decided to make something new to eat.  Sometimes this works out well and sometimes we have to leave the kitchen because she uses such bad language.  She made the Fancy Mac & Cheese from Pioneer Woman and the Cheddar Swirl Buns from the Smitten Kitchen.  This experiment turned into the really bad language version.
She said this Mac & Cheese was way too labourious and used a multitude of pots and pans.  She also said the taste was fine.  It had roasted mushrooms and bacon on top.
The recipe for the Cheddar buns described them as "dangerous" because they were so delicious.  The only danger with these buns would be if someone threw one at your head after they were baked.  They rose about an inch high, causing Janet to have a bit of a meltdown.  Yet another yeast failure for Janet.  Why won't she leave yeast alone?
I am so loving the sun, shining through the foyer windows on my sore back.  I went for acupuncture yesterday and now I feel way better.
We are having another block party!
This Sunday.  It's at Wendy's so we won't get a chance to see everyone.