Saturday, June 25, 2016

Noodles - 14 years, 6 months, 10 days

My super companion, Noodles has passed away.  Phil and Janet are sad beyond words.  They take solace in knowing Noodies had a great life and can now join Rockers in puppy dog heaven - land of never ending treats!

  On Tuesday, Janet took us down to Fireperson's Park for a little walk.  Down at the park, Noodies back end failed her four or five times and she fell over.  Within four hours, she couldn't walk at all.  Phil took her to the vet the next morning and she received a huge injection of hormones that would work (or not) within 24 hours.  It didn't work, which meant nothing further could be done.  Dr. Smith said she had a slipped disk.
On the right is the sling Phil used to ferry Noodies around.
She was a treasure!  Albeit, a mischievous, bordering on naughty treasure!
She had a real dumpy sit for two days.
One thing for sure - Noodles did not go out on an empty tummy.  On Wednesday - two breakfasts, two dinners and more cookies than could be counted.  Thursday morning, two more breakfasts and a sack of cookies to go!

And, all the buttery popcorn she wanted!
Back in the day, Noodles was a force to be reckoned with.  Whilst she had a legitimate hearing issue for the last 6 months or so, you would have thought she was born deaf - to the sound of your voice, but not the sound of the food bowl hitting the floor!

Several years ago, there was a Brownie meeting in the hall down at Fireperson's Park.  The door was open and Noodles burst into the room!  Brown Owl was not impressed and escorted Noodles off the premises!

Another time, the adults that live in this house on the bottom of Monteith, were sitting outside having a drink.  Their front door was also open and once again, Noodles invited herself in, ran through the house and came out again.
The same people still live in this house and had a doggie named Monty who passed away a few years ago.
Janet is always in awe how kind people can be.  Our great neighbours, Amber and Kris brought over some wine, flowers and a nice card.
Janet called to cancel her Thursday dining room shift because she was upset.  Today she worked at reception and was shocked at how many people knew about Noodles and wished Janet well.  Then, she received an electronic card today as well.
This makes me, Pashy, last dog standing from our original blog foursome.  Guess I will have to invite Watson, 40 pound dictator to join the party!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Janet Goes Back To PDX!

Janet really wanted to see Watson again, so she flew to Portland for 10 nights.  This little 40 pounds of soft, fluffy fur is turning out to be a major shit disturber in our old doggie lives.

He is so cute and sweet that Janet thinks the sun rises and sets on his puppy dog butt crack and tells him numerous times a day how much she loves him.   Plus, the little sucker helps with chores!

He rinses the dishes before the wash cycle:
and the mopping:
the gardening:

He takes the toilet paper to the spare room in case Janet wants to wipe her nose:

and helps Janet unpack her suitcase:
Janet says he can put his nose into the smallest zipper opening on the suitcase and in moments has it open and is dragging stuff out!
He does his best to get $10 grocery money out of Janet's bag so they can go shopping.
Not that $10CAD is going all that far in the U.S. of A.
You will have to trust Janet when she says she did not leave her bag beside the dog bed.  Nor did she leave the TV remote on the kitchen floor!

In other words, major thorn in our sides.  So, when he's not helping with the housework, he goes to swimming lessons.  Seriously.  Why were we never offered this opportunity?  We might be more well rounded and personable if we had been afforded these activities!  WTF - it's not like we grew up in the projects!!  Why him and not us?
Swimming teacher says "come in Watson, little boy"  Watson says "not bloody likely, lady!"

Watson says "OK, OK, I didn't know cookies were going to be involved!"
It was also a week of food from hell.  Bronwyn strongly suggested asked nicely if Janet could make Circus Circus Pasta.  Despite the fact that Janet had made it at home recently, she was pissed more than pleased to make it again.  She purchased Lucerne Monterey Jack cheese which was a huge mistake as the cheese congealed to the chicken and the sauce was as thin as water.
These leftovers were thrown out the next day.
Next up was a batch of chili from Silver Palate.  Bronwyn found the recipe online at Epicurious and was clearly labelled as Silver Palate's recipe.  The entire recipe had been halved on their website.  Janet couldn't believe how bad the chili unlike the 50 or 60 times she has made it previously.  She checked her cook book when she arrived home and it turns out that it had  been halved, EXCEPT for the chilli powder and cumin!  Janet said it was dreadful.
She did manage to pull off some very basic burgers with toasted buns!
 In addition to a near week of bad cooking experiences, Janet went to yoga.  They had a special for 30 days, unlimited for $40 if you were a new customer.  It wasn't the same type of yoga Janet does at home, but she was a major least according to her!  It was the kind of yoga where you "flow" from one pose to the next, but it was more like "jolt" for Janet.

That's it....we are pooped!
Watson says it's exhausting throwing down the super cute doggie routine, day in and day out!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Oak Bay Tea Party Time! of Janet's favourite summer time rituals.  She loves the parade which always makes her cry.  Janet went to yoga on Saturday morning which meant she had to hurry home through a circutious route to avoid parade barriers and missed the first part.  Still, she and I (Pashyminders) thought it was pretty excellent!

This is how you can tell Oak Bay Tea Party has arrived:
Parking on your street is highly coveted.

Janet took me twice to listen to music. Saturday - Vic High Rhythm & Blues Band and on Sunday Big Band Swing music.
What incredible luck!  My Japanese Foreign Student Fan Club was at the Tea Party!  They were shocked that Janet could toss out enough phrases in Japanese to impress them.
Janet did some gardening and was searching for me high and low.  I was meant to help her, but it was super hot out and she found me slacking off under the deck.
Check out this steak the people had for dinner.

Looks great.  If only we doggies could have some.  I know Noodles would love it!
Does it really get any better than this?  Victoria at it's best

Noodies does her best to troop out the Tea Party.

Great music!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Road Trip O'Clock!

Yes...we go on another road trip!

Here we go in the back of the trusty Volvo.  Only the People know where we are going, so it will be a surprise for us.
We had to delay our departure due Phil's work (as opposed to Janet's "work" - always described with air quotes!).  As a result, we stayed over night in Nanaimo.

Nice carpet in this pup friendly joint!
Check it out!  Fresh TV remote!
They watched some old school TV with their fresh remote:
Some of Janet's extensive and appreciative readership may not know that Phil was an Olympian in the 1972 Olympics in Munich.  His sport was Judo.
Our final destination - Finleyland!  You have probably heard of Disneyland, Legoland and Adventureland.  Well, they can't hold a candle to Finleyland!

They have a resident kitty in Squamish.  Her name is Zambo and she is 14 years old - just like Noodles!  She has her own little sanctuary upstairs when we come to visit.  According to Janet, Zambo scared the shit out of Noodles and Rockers!
Janet's pet photo taking skills might need some work!
The focal point of the trip to Squamish was to celebrate Finley's 3rd birthday!   There was a party on Saturday at Finley's good buddy Violet's house.  Check out the footware at the door.

This is a small portion!

  Super fun!  Janet said they had a bouncy castle inside!
Meg can hardly wait to give it a whirl.
There was a party problem.   Meg, tossed around her hefty 115 pounds on the Bouncy Castle and brought that baby down!  Phil and Janet silently scooted out, seconds later!

Coming back up again!
We tried to get some rest at Finleyland, but I discovered the neighbour kitty that likes to relax on Meg and Derek's patio.  I spent a lot of time studying the kitty's every move.
Her every move was riveting!
Finley opened his gifts!  According to Meg, this is the hottest toddler toy out there - MagnaTiles.  She searched high and low to find some.  Kind of reminds Janet of the Cabbage Patch Doll Push and Shove Match of years gone by.
We think that is Janet's ugly leg!
The train passes by across the road from Meg and Derek's house.  Janet waited patiently for the caboose only to be advised from those in the "know" that only a serious moron would do so as trains haven't had a caboose for years.  Sheesh!  Who knew?
Bus stop, Squamish style.
Meg's new sideline career - Classic Pianist!  She and Briana went together to purchase a used electric piano.
That wraps up another week.  Goodnight!