Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We Doggies Think Phil is Nuts!

Whenever Janet points out something is malfunctioning, Phil almost always chooses not to believe her.  The other day, Janet mentions to Phil that the dishwasher is making a funny noise.  Not possible, he says!
This is our dishwasher when it was making a funny noise.  Sometimes Noodles and I like to pre-rinse the dishes before Janet starts the dishwasher.  Don't worry...we aren't allowed to go near the clean dishes!
Fast forward to two days later:
The dishwasher actually broke and now Janet has to hand wash all the dishes.  If that wasn't bad enough, we heard Phil tell her that while he was watching TV, he timed Janet washing the dishes and that as it took only 12 1/2 minutes, he didn't get why it was such a big deal.  Janet nearly had a meltdown!  We felt it best to vacate the kitchen.

In an effort to redeem himself, Phil actually pitched in.  Please note that most of the dishes are already done.
What if Janet has to save up herself to buy a new dishwasher?  She doesn't get paid at her work.  We are worried! 

She did have a bit of a bright spot yesterday, as she made another attempt at bread.  This was a no knead Cheddar Bread that actually worked out!  They had it with lasagna.  Janet says until the dishwasher is fixed or they get a new one, she is only making one dish meals.....like Kraft Dinner or Instant Ramen!  They don't actually eat those things in our house, so this could be interesting.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Busy Day In The Kitchen

We got dumped at home so Janet could go with Phil to look at a condo....no, we aren't moving.  Phil just wanted Janet's opinion on paint.  After, they went grocery shopping and then came home.

Among other things to come out of the grocery bag was this:
Oh man!  Please say it isn't so!  It's yeast!  Janet must be thinking she is going to do the bread thing again.  This is not good news.  She was all depressed about the last batch of bricks...no, wait,  I mean bread that she turned out.  What is wrong with going to Cob's and getting their bread?
Janet was feeling very ambitious, so she clearly had forgotten about her last yeast fiasco.  She made Paella Chowder for lunch from the new Whitewater Cookbook.

She got this Bad Boy Immersion Blender for Christmas from Briana and Bronwyn and she was pretty excited to use it.
The instructions say "Professional".  Hope she doesn't get too carried away with herself.
Then, for supper Janet made Butter Chicken, Raita and Home Made Naan Bread!  She was very pleased with herself.  We were super relieved to see she is starting out small in the yeast department.  Not unlike Janet's beginner yoga lessons, we are hoping she sticks to Naan for at least the first six months!
Stack of nicely browned Naan.

Their whole meal.  They even had some authentic Indian rice that Phil bought a while ago.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Phil Is In So Much Trouble!

Well, what started out as a very ordinary day in dogland, turned into big fun, for one us at least.

Phil drove Janet to her volunteer job at 6:45AM this morning and then picked her up at 12:50PM.  They had a leisurely lunch at Pizzeria Prima Strada
This cute little guy appeared to be giving directions to the pizza chefs.

Janet and Phil love the pizza here, and the weird part is, generally speaking, Janet won't eat pizza.  She did, however, also have some great pizza in Seattle with Meg and Bronwyn at Serious Pie.

Today, they had the Cheese, Veggie and Bread appetizer and shared the pizza of the day that had a carne base with house made ham and sausage.
They arrived home shortly after 2PM, and look who's on the front lawn...it's Noodles!  I'm not sure what she was up to for the whole time she was out there as she isn't talking about it.  Knowing Noodles, I find it hard to believe she just chilled on the lawn for more than 1 1/2 hours.
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 We were afraid Janet was going to have a heart attack!  Oh my, the language (and even out on the street) was unbelievable.  These photos are re-creations of the scene.  Janet was flying around like a maniac as she was in a huge hurry to get inside and make sure I was there.  Of course, I was.  Steady as a rock, never failing and always reliable....Ring Pup material, don't you think?  Not unlike the Maytag repair man, except I'm not lonely!  Phil said "too dumb to find his way out", but I think that is just plain mean.  When did Noodles being devious turn into being clever?  Janet was afraid that someone would steal Noodles...this is solid proof that her lobotomy did not work out.  Anyone who stole Noodles would bring her back in a heartbeat!
This was the culprit....a door that wasn't fully closed.  Don't want to name any names, but I think you know who you are.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Janet is Super Excited!

Phil came home from his ski trip.  He had a lot of fun.  We gave him the full on whining and crying routine that everyone seems to lap up like crazy.  He is trying to make out like going up or down stairs won't be a problem....whatever, Buddy!

Remember Noodles New Years Resolution?  She was going to get off the bed the first time she was asked.  Here she is after Janet asking her about five times:
Yeah, right.  Are you kidding me?

Here she is again, pulling out the deaf card.  After about five more times of "Noodles, down", Janet finally lifted her off the bed so she could make it and put the dog blanket back on.

So....this is what Janet is super excited about....she was trying to find a cooking class that she and Lolo could go to after Lolo gets back from vacation.  In her research, she discovered at The London Chef they are having Vikram Vij teach two classes!  Too cool!

  Sadly, the classes were full, but Janet was able to go on a waitlist.  Wouldn't that be great?  Personally, we think Janet should take a Bread Making Class, especially after last weeks colossal failure.  When Phil went to Whistler, Janet asked him if he wanted to take some of her "World Famous Doorstops Bread" to accompany her spaghetti sauce....he declined.  She tried hard not to cry!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's Meggie!

There was some strange stuff going on at our house.  First, there was a bunch of pre-made food on the kitchen counter, including what looked liked some yummy chocolate chip cookies.  Toss into the fray a large cooler.  Someone is going somewhere!  I wonder if we get to go?
Looks like some cookies, spaghetti sauce (Janet loves the sauce out of the new Whitewater Cookbook.  She has made it 3 or 4 times since Christmas) some parmesan cheese and some green tea.  Oh, and some of Phils' cereal mixture.
Noodles totally has her eye on the situation.  If anypup can strong paw us into the vehicle, it will be Noodles!  That "backpack" looks like it's leftover from WWII!

Next thing we know.....it's Meggie!  It's really nice to (kind of be able to) see her...why couldn't we go?  Why did Phil have such an out of focus photo taken?
We heard they had Butter Chicken for dinner.  Meg is a really good cook!
Well, in an effort to make the best of things in lonely land, here are our new sleeping arrangements.  Hope Phil doesn't mind that his spot is now taken.  Janet was really lucky because her good friend Lolo called with an invite to go to their house for dinner on Saturday.  It was especially nice because Lolo picked Janet up and brought her home....Janet really, really wanted to walk home because she hadn't had much exercise on Saturday.  Initially Stevo agreed with Janet but in the end caved because he said if anything happened to her on the way home, he would have to listen to Lolo talk about it for the rest of her life.  Not sure if Lolo is aware that we don't live in Afghanistan, but Janet said the ride home was nice.
This is way more comfy than the dog bed!

I am totally relaxed!  Will I remain so when Phil gets back?