Today starts out like any ordinary day. Janet reads her newspapers and Phil makes her two lattes. After cleaning up the kitchen, Janet says she is going to do a drop in class at yoga for 50+. Off she goes and Phil (why Janet is not permitted to drive herself anywhere is a complete mystery to us doggies) picks her up at noon.
Cranky! On two accounts - if they can make "lose 10 pounds in an instant" bathing suits, why can't they do the same for yoga? And, who knew so many people over 50 were so fit??
To add insult to injury, Janet was quite proud of her new yoga togs that she purchased at Costco a couple of weeks ago. Then she noticed today, they now have a logo on the outside, that was not previously there. Now, not only is she a lame ass, butt, she looks like a cheapskate as well! |
Here is where Janet goes to yoga. It's on Fort Street, close to downtown. |
Sooooo...what does Cranky do when she gets home and the floor is all covered with dog hair that she just got rid of yesterday? She whips out The Weapon!
OK, doesn't look like much, but buyer beware! She combed, and combed, and combed both of us, despite having done this last week. I am way more tolerant than my sister, who turns her head and makes faux "biting" motions. Thankfully, she doesn't have any follow through, but it makes her feel like she's controlling the situation. |
We are lying bum to bum to console ourselves. I never attempt any of the faux "bites". As a Ring Pup contender, I know it's really important to "Keep Calm and Carry On". |
Did you have your yoga pants on inside out or did you just not notice the logo? Your not cheap, the yoga gear is nice and a good price, unlike the overprice (but still awesome) company from vancouver!