I used to let Janet get out of bed, read her newspapers with latte in hand before I started to begin my "breakfast on demand program". That was so 1970! Now, the minute her feet hit the ground, I am all over her to get the show on the road. Of course, she caves like a house of cards. Even Noodles is so caught off guard, she comes into the kitchen with her full on sleepy face on.
Here is our food. 24/7, seven days a week, 12 months out of the year. Don't get us wrong...we really, really like it, but why can't we have some variety like Our People have? |
Here is a sample of what they ate in the last week:
Home made pizza. |
Pork stir fry with tofu. |
Homemade Beef Barley Soup with homemade Buttermilk Biscuits. |
Vietnamese Pork Bhan Mi with Salad....it goes without saying that we doggies know squat about photography, but even we think a different coloured plate would have been more suitable. |
This is Noodles, relaxing in what totally looks like a non relaxing position. |
And, here she is helping Janet make their dinner. |
Mom, please send me recipes for all of these meals. Except the top one - Kia & Cor-boy's food is too "fresh" for my taste.