Lucky for us, Janet didn't let her new found
staging cleaning career go to her her head as she was around all weekend. Jack came into the yard with Mr. Beau to show her how to do something in the garden. Phil took a picture of us, but Janet found it very difficult to make all us doggies co-operate. Well, mostly Mr. Beau, as you can see we are sitting and being as good as gold. Turns out only one of us was behaving - Noodles escaped from the yard. Not once, but twice! Janet was very cross with her.
Later in the day, after our dinner, Phil went to the basement to replenish the dog cookie jar. We are waiting and waiting, drooling and drooling until he comes back. Ever the devil, sometimes Noodles starts to go down the stairs. We are not allowed to go into the basement, but Noodles can't resist the all powerful call of the cookies!
You can see her sizing up the situation. Attention all Brides to Be: see how good I am being? You can tell it's me on the right by my club paw from arthritis. |
A couple of years ago, Phil bought Janet this fancy pants stainless steel food mill. She was making gnocchi. This is the good food:
Here is the finished product. She made Gnocchi with Roasted Tomatoes, Pine Nuts and Gorgonzola Cream Sauce. Noodles wasn't interested in helping until the gorgonzola came out. Phil says if Janet wants to use pine nuts often, she needs to get a part time job as they are so expensive now. Cheapskate! |
This is the bad food:
It's supposed to be Dill Cheddar Crackers, but somehow, somewhere, Janet went sideways. We heard her tell Phil she thinks the recipe has errors in it. The recipe, however, comes with a pretty picture of the crackers and they sure didn't look like that! Why, oh why can't she know and recognize her abilities and give up on this cracker/bread business?
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