Ruby turns 12 years old today! Yay, Rubs. We wonder if Mike and Bronwyn will let her have a special cookie or treat today. As befitting someone who is the equivalent of 72 human years, Ruby is cranky, demanding and sleeps alot.
This was all before our time, so Janet went through Phil's files and found these. This is a picture of Rube the first day she came to our house:
Wasn't she cute? |
Licorice, the non dog. He used to like to do self guided walks to the beach. One time when Janet's cousin, Mary Jane was babysitting Licorice, he escaped. The police found him up by Camosun College, which is a fair distance and brought him back in the police car. Doggie goes to college to seek higher education! |
Licorice already lived here when Ruby came. You can see some shaved fur on his leg...Licorice had several stays at the Animal Clinic before he passed away. Janet has a cute little clay mould with Licorice's foot print in it. They gave it to her at the Animal Hospital when he died. Janet also says you could count on one hand all the times Licorice ever barked....until Ruby came. He started to bark after that, but because his vocal chords were unused, he sounded like a seal!
We don't want to steal Rubs thunder on her special day, but here is a sample of how cute we were!
You can totally tell which one is me, Rockers! My face still looks the same, just larger. |
The three of us are all nestled up together by the front door, when we were still pretty little. Many happy returns, Ruby!
Happy birthday, Rubs!