It's been one week since my brother came home from the pet hospital. Phil took him back to the clinic for a follow up check up on Thursday and everyone at the clinic was amazed at how well he is doing. He is still unhappy about his little
prison alcove so I try hard not to flaunt my ability to get up on the sofa and the bed.
Phil gives him flexing exercises three times a day.
Phil is whipping up another batch of our delicious dog food. Rockers wishes he could stand outside with me, but seriously, the view is the same! |
The really good thing about Meg and Derek's wedding is they come to Victoria to visit on a regular basis. They came again on Thursday.
Meg is smiling because she was happy to see us, but she was in very bad form! She had two hours sleep the night before that were not consecutive, due a baby that couldn't decide on a good time to come into the world. They were going to be on the 5PM ferry, so Janet was planning to make a nice supper. Meg and Derek took a "shortcut" and it took them 1 1/2 hours to travel 14K! They eventually arrived at 9:30PM. |
On Friday, they went to Sun Wah for lunch. Meg and Derek and Janet's right arm are helping Mae draw up the menu for the family lunch on 08 July. |
After lunch, Phil had to go to work and the rest of them came home. Janet's big bike ride is on Sunday, so she decided to go for a last 30K ride. While she was gone, Meg decided to be Rocker's cell mate for a while.
I am helping Derek solve some big Telus problems that require two heads instead of one!
Even though I don't get to make any executive decisions, it's fun helping Derek with his work. Sure is cozy and warm in here! |
Janet could have gone for a bike ride on Wednesday, when it was nice and sunny out. She also could have gone on Thursday, when it was also nice and sunny. Instead, she backs herself into a corner and is forced to go today.
See that fake smile she has plastered on? She was soaking wet, right through to her skin. Her legs were all splattered with mud. We were fooled by the fake smile, so it was hard to gauge her state of mind when she got home - happy, unhappy or really _______ (insert some really bad words here) miserable! |
Good luck on the ride!!!