Everyone, except us, has been going gangbusters on the "wedding sparkles". We are the support team - here to be petted when you need a break. Here is our "foreman", Jeremy on the job:
He's busy rebuilding fences, gates and decks. It's going to look really pretty! |
For way too many years, a large wooden hot tub sat on this spot. Derek ripped it all apart and it's being taken to the dump tomorrow. Now it's a nice deck area. |
Here's Rockers trying on a "ring carrier" to see if he thinks he can pull of the Ring Pup gig. Meg's fancy pants new ring is at our house now, but we are under threats of death if we expose it - do you think they have Hell's Angels in Squamish? She was pretty specific about what would happen, so we didn't want to go there. |
This seems pretty silly, but this is one of Janet' favourite things - furry potatoes!
They are new BC Nugget potatoes. Janet loves them boiled, grilled, fried, saladed (is that word?) etc, etc. She made extra last night so they can have some potato salad. Personally, we think it's so cold outside that Janet was nuts for tossing aside her winter menu. |
OK...that was the good news department. Now our bad news:
Phil has been wearing these ratty, crappy slippers for wa-a-a-y to long. Look at them! Janet hated it when he would take them off and set them by the front door when he put his shoes on. She says it makes us look like welfare recipients - whatever that is. |
Sadly, my brother has to have surgery. He has torn the ligament in his right knee. Phil took us to the Vet today. We were supposed to go on Saturday for our annual check up and shots, but Rockers has been limping so badly for the last couple of days, Phil called this morning to see if we can come earlier. Janet is really sad as she remembers what is was like when I had my surgery for the same ailment. Little Miss Anal also remembers all the throw mats and carpet scraps that covered the kitchen floor! The Vet said we are starting to get cataracts which may limit our night time vision, so Phil is going to get a motion sensor light to put on the back stairs. And, crazy! Phil told our Vet about how Rockers is afraid to walk by small dogs now and he says maybe it's a thyroid issue. Janet tells Phil not too worry about it, but Phil had already agreed to have the blood sample sent to California! $$$$ How is it Rockers blood can go to California for a vacation and we can't?
Poor Buddy, my excellent brother. |
He's a little bit fuzzy, but Rockers major competition is back in the ring. Meg left her teddy bear, Throckmorton at the hotel where Briana's wedding was. When Rockers heard this, he was sure he was a shoe in, but the hotel staff were so efficient, he's already back at home. Rats! Bad news for Rockers is that with his surgery, he might not be able to be Ring Pup, but I don't think we will tell him yet.
Imagine surviving a cross Canada trip in a Purolator bag. |
Wedding sparkles are looking good! I can't wait to see updated photos!!