After our huge wind on Sunday, we had absolute buckets of rain on Monday. It was raining so hard, you could barely see across the street.
Fortunately, that was then and this is now!
It's getting pretty tense around our house.
Porkey's Phil's neck is swollen more than ever now and he has been sick all week. Janet follows him around from room to room to gather up used tissues, refold for the hundredth time the blanket in the TV room, throw away the wrappers on his lozenges and pick up his water glasses. You get the picture. She does it with
a smile on her face gritted teeth and we have heard her mutter on more than one occasion, if we had a gun she would put him out of his misery. He should be OK because we're pretty sure we don't have any firearms and Janet won't have a clue about how a guy buys one.
Phil also has a stiff back and says he wishes Bronwyn were here so she could fix it.
Look at the pretty cauliflower from Silver Rill Farm!
Karen, Ken and Raeleigh loaned a very nice crib to Janet and Phil. The screws arrived separately. Mr. Baby's arrival is imminent and the crib is still in pieces. Why? They can't find the screws. They have spent several hours searching and searching. Janet is normally blamed when stuff goes missing as she lives to put things away. This time, however, she is off the hook because Karen confirmed she had given the screws to Phil.
The bedroom downstairs was flooded this summer. We won't go into details, but Janet's also off the hook for this $1000 fiasco! Everything was taken out of the room so the carpet people could address the mess. Now the room needs to be put back together and look what Janet found yesterday! |
Noodles really likes to rip apart the roll that paper towels come on. She seems to get quite a kick out of it, so I felt I should investigate what all the excitement is about. Turns out, it's not that interesting. Look how clever I am holding the paper towel roll in my paws!
Janet is such a sucker. She just loves the way I lay when sleeping. We doggies barely have to do anything to earn her admiration.
Hope for your sake that my brother is feeling better soon! Hope he's feeling good enough to tackle the crib! Happy Thanksgiving!