Friday, February 28, 2014

This Is How Doggies Live The Good Life on Maui.

If only we could learn to go in a crate, we could (maybe) move to Hawaii.  It would be too much fun!  It might be too late for Noodles and Rockers because they are old, but me, Pashy, is only 8 years old!  My age recently came to light.  Janet and Phil told everyone I was six or seven, but then they checked my health certificate and it turns out I turned eight in December.  Still, I might be able to wrap my head around this crate business if I could move to Hawaii.

Check out these locals:
They are Coon Hounds that have GPS trackers around their collars and their owner has a radio system.  He says they can take off at a moments notice and run forever, so he needs the tracking system.  They love the water!  Just like I would!

Could I give this a go?  Maybe not as I slam on the brakes so hard on dry ground it's almost impossible for Janet to move me.
And how about this local that was hoping to be invited inside for some pupus?
Come on guys, open up the screen!
In the really bad news department, Yoyo decided to give stand up paddle boarding a run.  Not a good scene!  It looks so easy, she says it's not fair!
Just mastering the "on the knees" version!
Shortly after this photo, Janet stood upright and then crashed into the ocean!  She says she is going to try again before they come home.
 Janet kept encouraging Mr. Smartypants Windsurfer to give it a whirl and he kept saying "oh no, you don't want me to try", indicating his skill level was so high it would reduce Janet to tears.   What a horses butt crack!  He decided to show off and start at the shoreline, where he had problems and was also pretty wobbly.
Toss the board in at the shoreline and watch it go nowhere!

Meg mastered it pretty quickly.

Since they arrived, Mr. Baby has learned to pull himself up to stand and crawl up a short set of stairs.  Sadly, Mr. Baby's sense of balance if better than YoYo's!

Janet isn't sure if her Kindle is drool proof, but she might want to look into it.
Mr. Baby had a slight accident at the pool today but the good news is, he now has some street cred!  Check out his cheek!
Sadly, this is how their day ended.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Left In The Dust

Oh was so obvious something was going down.  Suitcases, doggie blankies, doggie water bowls and doggie food all wrapped in foil, situated by the front door.  Off we went to my Homeland; Camp U.S.A.  Why?  Turns out Janet and Phil are off to Aloha land and we are staying with Mike and Bronwyn

The day before we left, Janet took us down to the park and I am getting in my stalking mood, trying to entice one of the guys to play with me.
Get a grip, Janet.  Make that really blurry stalking!  It's a lost cause; I don't know why I bother.  They are too old to be rough and tumble.  Every now and again, I find some doggies to play with in Uplands Park, but I like to body slam the legs of their owners.  Janet thought perhaps it was as accident, but Mikey told her's my signature move!  Janet hustled me off real fast.
We were sad and loath to see them leave.  We did our best to conceal our tears and convince them to stay.  All to no avail.

Even at Camp U.S.A., Rockers steals the sectional!
They went to Maui where they met Mr. Baby and his handlers.  They are staying at Palms at Wailea and this is the same unit Mike and Bronwyn normally stay in.

One of Mr. Baby's handlers rented a high chair, sun tent and extra big sack 'o toys for a grand total of $85.  Seems like a pretty good deal, right?
This is the Rock Star of all the toys:
Janet says the only thing that would be more annoying would be the Fischer Price Lawnmower, but fortunately, Mr. Baby can't walk so the lawnmower is not an option.
Mr. Baby's mother jacked up his Crinkle Tag with some rings, but it's chopped liver next to the activity centre above.

Janet's hand made sun hat turned out to be an excellent boon to Finleys wardrobe....say in the summer, or so!
He's a lucky buddy because he gets to enjoy water view dining every meal!

Well, it would be water view if someone would turn his highchair in the right direction!
On Saturday, they tried to buy Huli Huli Chicken from a parking lot, but it was sold out.  They called the next day and reserved two half chickens.  The man that does this is a local and cooks 50-60 chickens every Saturday and Sunday.  Check it out!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Saving The World One Worm At A Time

We have had a couple of afternoons of really high wind and heavy rain.  This puts lots of worms on the sidewalks or beside the curb.  When Mrs. Insanity Janet and I go for a walk, we find a twig and put the fat, healthy looking worms back on the soil.  How does she know what a healthy worm looks like?  We can't do them all or a walk would take all day.
This guy was easy to transport due to the crack in the sidewalk.  I covet the twigs as I would like to chew them up.
While Phil was enjoying his vacation in Lethbridge, Janet took us to Fireman's Park in the afternoon.  Every day, I, Pashy race over to the batting cage.  This went on for several days until she finally figured out what I wanted.
I want that ball!  Janet said she would get it for me, but the batting cage was locked.
I am using every ounce of my mental powers to will the ball free!  Bummer!  Not happening!
Seamstress Janet has moved on from Tag Blankets.  She whipped up a sun hat for Mr. Baby.
It's reversible.  This is the best side.  Seamstress Janet made more than one misstep on this project.  The end result was retrieving a previously cut piece of fabric from the kitchen trash and using three different fabrics on the other side that we refer to as a major you know what up element of design!
Next on the agenda:  quilting.  Janet's friend Karen is a very generous person and has been helping Janet with the ropes.  Check out Karen's fabulous sewing machine and fancy pants iron.
Janet covets this sewing machine, but knows she needs many, many more hours of sewing under her belt before moving on from the good ole' Janome 4000.

This super cool iron elevates itself off the ironing board when you place it down.
Janet went to Satin Moon Quilt Shop and purchased a kit to make a table runner.  The kit is labelled beginner and comes with not very good instructions and the material needed to make the table runner.  Karen showed Janet how to cut the fabric in strips with a rotary cutter.  Karen's final words before Janet left to go home and sew the first section was....."be really sure to make certain that your seam is only 1/4 inch".  No problem, Janet says.  Wrong!
Three times over!  Janet was about ready to throw in the towel, but Karen said no!  You must persevere!
While I couldn't get the ball out of the batting cage, I did find this one at the park and turned it into a shadow of it's former self in no time flat.

Take that, ball!  We also found a small child's small doll at Willows Beach which I really wanted.  Janet said no, and placed it on the light standard.
I'm workin' it like crazy, but still no takers.
Finally, here is (yet) another fabulous photo of me.  Nice bum, right?  We had just come back from the rainy walk and I was trying to dry my head off.  Maybe I have kind of hogged the blog lately and should let the other Guys have a turn.  Or, at the very least, I could post a couple photos of them.  I'll think about it.  Janet is now addicted to "House Of Cards", so I know she knows a thing or two about manipulation that she can give me a hand with.
The kind of thing Frank (what's with Janet and characters named Frank?) on "House of Cards" would do is convince the Guys it was in their best interest to NOT have their photos on the blog!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New Careers for Janet

Janet's first new career is making Tag accessories for Mr. Baby (and maybe even some of his pals!).

Check this out!  Next stop - Mr. Baby's sun hat and then on to trying to make a small quilt.  Perhaps with a doggie motif, Janet?
Regular Tag blankets.  Some have plastic rings on them.  The bottom one on the right hand side is Minky cloth on the solid blue side.  Two weeks ago, Janet had no clue what Minky cloth was.  She also said it was an incredible pain in the you know where to sew.

A Tag Cube and a eensy weensy Tag with clear wrapping sewn into the centre to make a crinkle noise.

Her second new career is Catering!  Phil has a new listing around the corner from our house.  At 5PM on Tuesday, he asks Janet if she will make two dozen bran muffins for his Realtors Open House Wednesday morning.  She spent more than an hour making the muffins in the evening.
Earlier in the day, however, after the kitchen was tidied and Phil had finished his latte, he places the mug on the counter right above the dishwasher.  At first Janet said nothing, not wanting to be given the "I was on my way to do it" line of B.S.  So, when it was about time to start making the muffins, she inquired as to why Phil didn't put it in the DW.  The answer - "I was too busy".  Janet whipped out some of her good quality bad words and wants to know who the f*** doesn't have two f*****g seconds to finish this task.

We had a water leak under the kitchen sink, and Phil, who loathes loves the challenge of fixing things got right on it.  Noodles felt it was important to lend a helping paw.  "No, I'm good, Noodles" Phil is saying.

Another wildlife friend over for breakfast.
He's a cute little squirrel.  Look how his back feet are off the tray and he is hanging on with his front paws.
Still no movie star sightings, but they have changed all the banners in the Village for the TV show.
This falls into the Believe It Or Not category.  Phil was busy (please see coffee mug, above!) so Janet was on two dog walk duty.  First, Rockers and Noodles go and come home.  Now we are in the foyer, getting ready to take me, Pashy on my walk and these two losers think they are going again!  They just got home!  Insert fake British accent:  Not bloody likely, mates!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Welcome To Pashyland!

Welcome to Pashyland!  Instead of Mickey Mouse as a star, they have me, Pashy!  And instead of Goofy and Dumbo.....OK.  Never mind.  I keep forgetting I am a guest here!

Here's how it goes in Pashyland.  Previous to my arrival, Noodles and Rockers barely rose from their sleeping positions when Janet or Phil came home.  Since I arrived, I always go to the front door to see them.  Not only does Noodles now come to the front door, she squeezes me out so she is the closest to the door.  A little insecure, Noodles?

I have been here long enough that Janet now trusts me to go off leash in Uplands Park.  Cool!  What a utopia of scents.

Not sure what this smell is, but it's pretty fascinating!
There are a couple of areas that fill up with water, which is now frozen over.  Here I am crashing through the ice.  Janet says back in the "olden days" when Noodles and Rockers could walk this far, Rockers would love to lie in the water when it was a big muddy puddle.
That long, dark figure to the right is Ansel Adams Janet's shadow.  Please note how the shadow gets wider and wider as it moves down from the head.
Everyday, I do my level best to show the Guys some sportsmanship and engage them is some Winter Olympic Formerly Stuffed Duckie Tousle, but no takers thus far.  It's lonely being a team of one.
Come on, Noodles!
Here we go again...Janet is on dog walks which means two separate walks.  Please, oh please, Janet don't give me the Pashy waits here routine.  Sure enough, she went there but I let her know my level of high displeasure by barking and crying until she was out of hearing range.
Seriously, who could resist my incredibly cute face?  Janet, apparently!
Today was special lunch at Janet's volunteer job.  Chinese food for Chinese New Years!
Chow Mein

Spring Rolls.  Janet bragged to Phil that she did the best job folding the Spring Rolls.  It's not like we Guys can look up the phone number of Our Place to verify this, so guess we will just have to take her word for it.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Our Camp Canada Neighbourhood

Camp Canada is located in a Oak Bay; a Municipality in Victoria.  Camp Canada is excellent because we live really close to the beach, a park, our Village and many other amenities.  We have deer in Camp Canada; which Janet loves.

 Not sure how I missed this little girl yesterday while I was out walking with Janet, but somehow I managed.  A week or so ago, I saw three deer in a neighbours yard, and as I was off leash, I chased after them.

My version of the story:  You deer need to vacate our neighbours yard before I decide to kick some serious ass.

Noodles version of the story:  Pashy, you don't have a snowballs hope in hell of catching them.

Rockers version of the story:  What deer?
Janet loves these two dogs.  They belong to different families, but raced over to see other other on the beach.  They are either Scottish Wolfhounds or Irish Deerhounds.  They make Rockers look little, and that takes some doing.
Mrs. Neat and Tidy Cook dropped a potato on the kitchen floor.  Turns out it wasn't that great of a toy.
Hello, Sister, don't we own a vacuum that we can use to sparkle up the Sectional?
Doggie gravy train!
Wouldn't you think Noodles chin would be sore?
Come on, Phil!  Let's hit the floor with our dinner!
Janet and Phil stopped at a real estate office to pick up a key.  This little cutie was really curious about our car and has the same collar as me!
As I, Pashy, blog this. Janet is watching the Super Bowl.  She knows nothing about football, but turns into a major Sob Sister with every Budweiser Clydesdale Horse commercial.  Super cute puppies and horses abound!