Janet's first new career is making Tag accessories for Mr. Baby (and maybe even some of his pals!).
Check this out! Next stop - Mr. Baby's sun hat and then on to trying to make a small quilt. Perhaps with a doggie motif, Janet?
Regular Tag blankets. Some have plastic rings on them. The bottom one on the right hand side is Minky cloth on the solid blue side. Two weeks ago, Janet had no clue what Minky cloth was. She also said it was an incredible pain in the you know where to sew. |
A Tag Cube and a eensy weensy Tag with clear wrapping sewn into the centre to make a crinkle noise. |
Her second new career is Catering! Phil has a new listing around the corner from our house. At 5PM on Tuesday, he asks Janet if she will make two dozen bran muffins for his Realtors Open House Wednesday morning. She spent more than an hour making the muffins in the evening.
Earlier in the day, however, after the kitchen was tidied and Phil had finished his latte, he places the mug on the counter right above the dishwasher. At first Janet said nothing, not wanting to be given the "I was on my way to do it" line of B.S. So, when it was about time to start making the muffins, she inquired as to why Phil didn't put it in the DW. The answer - "I was too busy". Janet whipped out some of her good quality bad words and wants to know who the f*** doesn't have two f*****g seconds to finish this task.
We had a water leak under the kitchen sink, and Phil, who
loathes loves the challenge of fixing things got right on it. Noodles felt it was important to lend a helping paw. "No, I'm good, Noodles" Phil is saying.
Another wildlife friend over for breakfast.
He's a cute little squirrel. Look how his back feet are off the tray and he is hanging on with his front paws. |
Still no movie star sightings, but they have changed all the banners in the Village for the TV show.
This falls into the Believe It Or Not category. Phil was busy (please see coffee mug, above!) so Janet was on two dog walk duty. First, Rockers and Noodles go and come home. Now we are in the foyer, getting ready to take me, Pashy on my walk and these two losers think they are going again! They just got home!
Insert fake British accent: Not bloody likely, mates!